View Full Version : Symbols on multiple plans

2008-08-07, 02:41 AM
What is a good strategy for getting annotation symbols (Exit signs, Fire hose reels etc) to show on multiple plans with differing scales?

2008-08-07, 02:59 AM
What exactly are you trying to achieve? If you tag plans of varying scales with the same tag, your tags will display and print at the same size. If you want different sizes for different scales, just create a different tag (smaller or larger to suit your needs).

2008-08-07, 03:30 AM
What I want is so that I place the locations of my hose reels, emergency lighting, exit signs, etc in my floor plan, and I don't have to then place them again in the site plan, and mezzanine plan.

I'm guessing they want to be a model object, but I don't actually need any 3d on them.

2008-08-07, 08:33 AM
Maybe try a generic model family with no 3d elements and create the symbols with symbolic linework.

It might also work if you create a group of all the 2d symbols in one plan and then paste the group into the other plans. This way if you update the group, it will update on all sheets it is on. Not sure about how that works with the different scales though...

2008-08-07, 02:31 PM
I must not be getting it....just do it the Revit way! Use a family (3D or not 3D...not important) and then tag them in plan. You can use different size tags that report the SAME information in the family. Family changes, tag info changes. Done :)

2008-08-07, 02:34 PM
What I want is so that I place the locations of my hose reels, emergency lighting, exit signs, etc in my floor plan, and I don't have to then place them again in the site plan, and mezzanine plan.

I'm guessing they want to be a model object, but I don't actually need any 3d on them.

Adding on to what Elrond is saying, i would make a family for each... with no 3D geometry.

For the hose reel, i would start a Plumbing Fixture family, and use symbolic lines in it.

For ermergency lighting, i would start a lighting fixture family, with symbolic lines.

Same thing for exit signs.

Then, not only do you not have to copy and paste the drafted elements, but they will still respond accordingly to Object classifications, such as if you go in to VG and shut off "Plumbing fixtures" in a particular view...

2008-08-07, 02:48 PM
I presume what he talking about is symbols which do not scale indeed.
A work around I use in certain cases is detail elements as symbols instead of symbol items.
for example symbolic representation of fire exit signs on fire plans


2008-08-07, 03:01 PM
I wouldnt use a detail component or a symbol for either. It just leaves you open to uncoordinated documents, becuase they are view specific and you have to chase them around making sure theyre in the right place. If you have ad etail component you want to use, put the DC *IN* the correct catagory family. Then youll still only have to place the item in ONE view, and it will always be coordinated...

2008-08-07, 04:44 PM
Can you nest an Annotation Family into another (Generic, Electrical, whatever)? I think you can.

If so then I would think that the annotation, when placed in a project, would scale correctly (i.e., always stay the same size when printed)..

Just tried it and it's doing what I think you want. Here's an example.

2008-08-08, 03:40 AM
Can you nest an Annotation Family into another (Generic, Electrical, whatever)? I think you can.

If so then I would think that the annotation, when placed in a project, would scale correctly (i.e., always stay the same size when printed)..

Just tried it and it's doing what I think you want. Here's an example.

Thanks Greg, that's exactly it.

And yes Aaron, the unco-ordinated info is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

Chad Smith
2008-08-08, 05:26 AM
Can you nest an Annotation Family into another (Generic, Electrical, whatever)? I think you can.
This is exactly what I do. There are a lot of small 3D objects (fixtures) that are to small to see clearly in plan, so I use an Annotation family in a 3D family to create consistant representation between differently scaled views.

One thing that I have recently noticed is that it is necessary to have some sort of 3D component, even if it is only an Invisible Line in the 3D family so that you have access to the Origin Ref Planes for aligning purposes.