View Full Version : Files CTB badly interpreted in 2000i

2004-09-21, 09:25 PM

We used Autocad 2000i for a few years, we have several customers of created with standard drawings, etc.

We use files ".mdb, .dat" and others types.

We also have drawings "Standard Page for Print" of created which use like standard (.ctb or .stb) the names "Traces 100%" for full size, "Traces 50%" for half-size and "Trace FIT" for printing on paper 11"x17" format.

Until a few days ago, all seemed well to function except that I was obliged to modify widths of lines (colors) in a file CTB of one of our customers.

The problem that I did have that at the time of the printing with PLOT, by using a drawing "Standard Page for Print" in order to have a "Page Setup Name", if I check with EDIT the file ".ctb" selected... it does not show the new widths whereas by opening this file by a Windows Explorer, this file is correct.

It does not seem that this problem is caused by the fact that the file ".ctb" was copied of another repertory (another customer) because I created new and if I rename it under one of our standard names (Trace 100%, Trace 50% or Trace FIT), this file gives bad values if checked by PLOT and EDIT.

I thought that the shown values could be those of the first file (.ctb or .stb) met, makes some in our first file customer (alphabetically) because the names are always the same ones but after checking... it is not the case.

So really you have an idea, perhaps that I become complicated too the head to seek a solution and that it is simple?

I hope for an answer... even if it does not contain a solution.

Bye and thank you in advance.

Ed Jobe
2004-09-22, 02:23 PM
It sounds like you have two files. Autocad uses the first one it finds in the search folders. Autocad searches in the order that you have them listed in Options>Files, from top to bottom. The file you are opening in Explorer is probably not the same one that PLOT is using.

2004-09-28, 10:20 PM
Thanks, I really searched in others clients (others sub-directories) but without logic before I wrote my original question.

After your answer, I looked another time for understand and I saw a problem... I believe?

In OPTIONS, the Path is "Q:\...\ELKEM\EL_JONQ\Source" and the files (.ctb) is in "...\ELKEM\EL_JONQ\Styles de tracage). At this place, the files are correct.

For security, I copied the originals files in another place before modifications to "...\ELKEM\Styles de tracage"... one step front.

I believe now to Autocad use, in PLOT command, the files in this place cause there is one step before (no \EL_JONQ) and since I deleted this directory, this problem don't exist.

I don't always understand why?

Is it not logic to think to 2000i use the ".ctb" in a near sub-directory?

Finally, this case is resolve.

Thanks a lot!