View Full Version : Ability to show future phases

2008-08-08, 04:19 AM
Summary: Ability to show future phases. Usually shown dashed, but not always shown.

Description: Ability to show future phases. Usually shown dashed, but not always shown.

How Used: Ability to show future phases. Usually shown dashed, but not always shown.

Feature Affinity: Phasing

Submitted By: Bret Thompson on May 21, 2008

2008-08-13, 12:10 PM
This is something that would make things smoother in our office, as well. We often do work under two different contracts -- one for the building shell, and one for interiors. So we put the interiors work in a different phase. But some of the shell work, such as where pipes come up through the slab, is based on assumptions about where the interior walls, rooms, and fixtures will be. So we dash in the "future work."

In order to do this with Revit 2009 and earlier, we have to set the phase of the view to "Interiors," then apply a phase filter that dashes everything in the current phase, and draws stuff from earlier phases By Category. This works, but it confuses the architects. "What do you mean the phase of that view is 'Interiors'? It's obviously showing the shell!" This really seems to be a case of Revit not working the way architects think.