View Full Version : Improve use of coordinate system

2008-08-11, 03:29 PM
We are currently working on a project involving an addition to an existing building in an area with numerous existing structures. We have performed an extremely detailed survey of the area and would like to create a site layout and toposurface to go along with the building model. When I insert the survey points in a csv file the toposurface created appears accurate but there is no way to snap to a point that was inserted to specify the coordinates. This makes it very difficult to properly locate the building on the toposurface if the coordinates on the surface cannot be determined or specified. CAD 2009 is far better and easier to work with in terms of coordinating buildings with survey data. Please make Revit more user friendly interms of real world spacial relationships as we frequently work on projects where the client requires it to be drawn to USGS or a plant coordinate system. It should also be possible when sketching the toposurface to specify the points not only by elevation but by coordinates. If this were possible, I could at least enter all the survey points manually and come out with a useful surface.

We are currently pursuing projects that will require 3D survey scans including buildings and utility bridges. It would be very helpful if Revit could also import complex survey data from a 3D scan and if nothing else, create a solid form model that would so the relationship of the model to the survey. Currently it appears it is only capable of topography and not surrounding structures.

2008-08-11, 03:39 PM
3D scanning was discussed recently, and I believe it was concluded that if Revit could import 3D scanned data, there would be numerous "slightly off-axis" warnings, since nothing built is ever truly orthogonal.