View Full Version : CAD link &linetypes w/text

2008-08-12, 08:07 PM
Any thoughts on getting this to show properly in Revit...

Link a CAD file that is using linetypes with text, i.e. ----------SAN-----------SAN-------------

When you link that CAD file in Revit, the linetype is not understood and displays incorrectly. We all know Revit doesn't support linestyles that include text... so is there any workaround to make this display properly when linked.

I was thinking - fix it in AutoCAD (dumb it down)... like use an tool where you could in essence "explode" the linetype into bitty line segments & individual text, but there is no such tool.

I've attached two examples of the linetypes - one from AutoCAD and the other from Revit with the CAD file linked in.

Any suggestions?