View Full Version : import image comes in black or white...

2008-08-12, 10:40 PM
Sometimes when I import an image (jpg, tiff), it comes in as a solid block of "black" or a solid block of "white".

The pattern seems to be that I insert several images, and then one comes in as a solid black box, and then the next ones come in as solid white boxes.

In order to fix the problem, I have to save the file, close it, and then reopen it to continue for several more images until the problem happens again. Rinse and repeat.

In the current case, the images are jpg files ~1MB each.

Anyone else come across this?

Edit: this is becoming a bit of a nightmare. Now previous images that looked okay are turning black or white and the only way to fix it is to erase the image and re-import.

This has happened on other projects on other computers, so it's not just this file.

2008-08-13, 12:03 AM
This is looking like Revit simply can't effectively handle very large image files.

I went through and reduced the size of all the image files, and now it appears to be working better.

Anyone noticed any pattern to what the "limits" are with image sizes before things start to break?

2008-08-13, 01:10 AM
I had the same Problem with Images at the 25meg range.
There seemed no problem with it for up to 3 to4 images and suddenly Black
It did not seem to bother about the big Image,but about how many views i had open.
we had to completely reboot the machine to get rid of the blackness.
Working only in one view(with a big Image)then closing it and flushing virtual memory
by minimising revit worked for us.
i thought it has to do with caching and virtual memory that gets corrupted....just a wild guess.

2008-08-13, 12:55 PM
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a memory issue. And it's not just in 2009. We have a project still in 2008 and it was doing the same thing, even on my quad-core 4 GB machine.