View Full Version : Phased openings in floors

2004-09-22, 10:11 AM
Does anybody know how to phase the creation of openings in a floor?
ie phase 1 - create west stairwell, phase 2 - create east stairwell or whatever.
Some workarounds could be to use 2 floor slabs or recreate the entire floor for each phase but I'd like to know if there is a way...



2004-09-22, 10:37 AM

I think you will find that in place families with voids in them respond to phasing so you could experiment with that or use a generic family that just had a floor cutting void in it and use that in the appropriate phase.

2004-09-22, 11:52 AM
I always thought the opening tool (under the modelling tab) was phase aware. But after trying it, it doesn't seem to be.

Seems that if I cut an opening in a floor or roof created in an earlier phase, the opening takes on the same phase as it's host.

Bug maybe??

2004-09-22, 02:12 PM
Current implementation of openings in floors and roofs assumes that they change the shape of the floor similar to editing the sketch, vs. family-based inserts that cut hole in the floor or roof to get space for family instance. The result is that opening created in modeling environment does not create infilling element, and assumes phase of the floor or the roof, family-based inserts should create infilling elements and hold their phasing parameters.

2006-08-02, 01:18 AM
I'm presently having this same issue with my floors and roofs. I tried the inplace void family and just got bad results. I just wanted it to demo a portion of my roof and it cut a portion of my wall out as well.

I also have an existing attic floor that needs an opening cut for a new stair and it shows up in the existing phase.

I can't believe you can't change the phase for openings. This really needs to be fixed. The work arounds aren't so easy.

PS: 2 years later and it's still not fixed!

2006-08-02, 01:32 AM
I just tried the shaft opening tool, set the phase created to new construction and the floor opening still shows up in the existing phase.

2006-08-02, 02:25 AM
I'm having a couple of problems with my in-place void.

1- The void is masking objects in my floor plan views.
2- The void is showing up in my 3D DWF model file as a solid.

2006-08-02, 11:38 AM
As Liv said :family-based inserts should create infilling elements and hold their phasing parameters.
So create a family based void and phase that

2006-08-02, 01:44 PM
How do I make a roof family based opening?

Anyway I figured out that I could infill the openings in the existing phase and have them demolished in the new construction or demo phase.

Why did they develop and implement the shaft opening object before they fixed the opening object? The shaft opening object has an editable phase parameter; but it doesn't work properly.