View Full Version : Working room Shcedule - Occ rounded to the tenth?

2008-08-13, 08:41 PM
Is there a way to get the working room schedule have the Calculated Occupancy Load to display in tenths?

The formula it uses is as follows:

if(Area / Occupant Load Factor < 1, 1, Area / Occupant Load Factor + 0.5)

Is there something I need to modify to have it display in tenths? Or is it even possible. I don't know what language this formula is in, so I have no clue where to start. If it even is this formula that has anything to do with it.

Now I know that you can set and user inputted number to an accuracy of tenths, but when it's calculated there is no apparent way to change how accurately it calculates.


2008-08-14, 03:18 PM
Given the formula, the parameter it's driving is most likely an integer parameter, and the +.5 is most likely there to get the integer to round up.

You could add a new number parameter, and apply the same formula. The # of decimal places shown will default to whatever the project units are or to whatever over-ride you have set in the schedule.

2008-08-17, 05:30 PM
the line

if(Area / Occupant Load Factor < 1, 1, Area / Occupant Load Factor + 0.5)
is a bit much (advanced) and there is no way from looking at your formula what the parameter types are (=number [decimals], =integer[whole numbers], = text[almost anything], =area[less units to cancel out])

to better explain how this works, duplicate your schedule,
add a new calculated parameter (Number type of parameter)

(Area / Occupant Load Factor)/1'^2

(assumes you are working in Imperial units)
depending on what the "type" of parameter <Occupant Load Factor> is, this should work and give you a decimal value that will default to whatever your project units are.
the <1'^2> part is just to cancel out the units of the area (area [SF] divided by OLF [number or integer]) will result with [SF], the divide by 1'^2 cancels the SF out and just gives you a number as a result. Revit is VERY particular about this. If you tell revit you want a number then you cannot put an Area (SF) in that location.

OK, now that you have a value you can work with it.
in the formatting tab, select the field, and hit the field format button. uncheck Use project settings, and set it to fixed and 1 decimal place.

This will round up and down. depending on your office, you may want to add in this case .05 to the original formula hence:
((Area / Occupant Load Factor)/1'^2) +.05) to get a value of 3.44 to round up to 3.5 instead of down to 3.4

There are several threads on using formulas in schedules, hope this has helped more than confused the issue