View Full Version : Trouble with NWD files

2008-08-14, 11:09 AM
We are using.

Navis Jet Stream V5.5.38796
Built July 10th 2007

We have currently created multiple NWF’s for different areas of the project and an error is appearing when we open each model up (See attached Image One). This error does not stop us reviewing the model in its NWF format. As advised in the error warning we have surveyed each of the smaller models which make up the file and there are no errors in any of them.

Our major problem however is the model will not freeze the file to the NWD format which is critical for our review deliverables to the client. We get an error (See attached Image Two)

Additional information:- We have no Autoplant or third party objects in this model yet, it is purely Autocad solids.

Any ideas????

2008-08-14, 02:17 PM
Have you tried moving the files to a different computer to rule out the hard drive?

2008-08-16, 12:57 PM
Yep same problem, in fact on other machines it shuts the program down completely with no errors. May have to try reinstall.