View Full Version : SIM Sections don't show on plans

2008-08-15, 08:31 PM
Can someone confirm if this is by design?
If I create a Section - say from an Elevation - it shows on the Plan. If I then create another Section and Reference the first one, the second shows SIM as it should, but the second Section doesn't show up anywhere except in the View I drew it.
Is there any way to get a SIM Section to show up in other Views?

2008-08-15, 09:57 PM
I can't see a way to do it. When you check the box "reference other view" they behave like an annotation (i.e. a dimension) If you want to see them in other floor plans you could select them>copy to clip board> Paste Aligned> Select views by name (another clue there. you can't select "select levels by name" with these either.) I thought maybe you could use this to paste them to elevations as well, but you only get views that are on a parallel plane.