View Full Version : Please Vote "for or against" Steering Wheel

Gadget Man
2008-08-17, 06:53 AM
Hello All,

Does anybody know how to turn off/disable the steering wheel?

It positively drives me insane, especially in a perspective view.

It slows me down dramatically - each time I press F8 I have to stop and look at this useless steering wheel to make sure that I click on the correct function. I don't know how many times I quickly clicked on something else than I wanted to and suddenly I was doing things I didn't plan to do...

Please! Give me back the old functionality! Or at least let me chose which one I want to use, but don't make that decission for me!!!

I understand that there may be some people who actually like it in the new style, but so far everybody I spoke to about it says the same thing: it slows us down! It's cumbersome to use and it drives the user mad!

I wish that the factory concentrated on so many much more important issues (like fixing the old and very old bugs) rather than implementing "revolutionary" user interface. New user interface is fine only AFTER everything else works good.

Gadget Man
2008-08-17, 07:11 AM
In addition to my post above, I wanted to add a voting poll to it with the following four options but I was "kicked out" (my time was up) before I finished writing the questions :(

QUESTION: Do you like the new functionality of the steering wheel?
YES! It helps me enormously!
NO! It slows me down and is confusing.
It's not bad but I would like to be able to choose which style I want
I don't care - either one is fineBy the way, I think that a time limit of 5 minutes is not long enough, especially when there is no warning beforehand...

2008-08-17, 01:07 PM
The "steering wheel" is absolute rubbish and no one has ever wished for it. The old "eye" that has been with Revit since the beginning worked well.

I cant help wonder how good Revit would have been if Autodesk didnt put it's filthy claws on it...

2008-08-17, 11:05 PM
Settings - Options - Steering Wheel Tab is the main dialog or you can just click the x button on the steering wheel and it will dissappear until you click the icon on the menu at the top of the screen.

Gadget Man
2008-08-17, 11:28 PM
Settings - Options - Steering Wheel Tab is the main dialog or you can just click the x button on the steering wheel and it will dissappear until you click the icon on the menu at the top of the screen.

You don't understand!

I know perfectly well how to get out of a function - this is NOT what I meant.

I want to know how to make that steering wheel disappear, vanish, go for ever. Never to appear again, even when I press F8 or click that icon.

Every time I press F8 (a shortcut for what used to be an eyeball tool) which is the same as the icon on the top of the screen, that flaming steering wheel pops-out and follows my cursor. I don't want to use it - I always use my own shortcuts - for almost everything and this steering wheel is in my way!

This is a major drawback of that version of Revit! Give me back the old eyeball functionality! It was working perfectly well...

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-08-17, 11:52 PM
I only use the steering wheel to access the Walk funtion because I use it so infrequently I can't recall where or if it's available on the menus. I never really used the F8 key either. It seemed silly to me to hit a key, to open a dialogue, to click an option when all that navigation functionality was/is available using the mouse.
Pan - Shift > Left button
Dynamic Zoon - Ctrl > Middle Mouse Button
Orbit - Shift > Middle button (in 3D Views)

If you use the mini wheels they are not too obnoxious. I'd save your breath because I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. It would be nice to see a 'disable' option.

Chad Smith
2008-08-18, 12:22 AM
Jerry, add this one to the "official" wishlist.
Let's see if this can be the first feature on a wishlist top 10 to asked to be removed. It'll get my vote.

2008-08-18, 12:30 AM
There is, apparently, truckloads of research showing this is the most intuative UX for dealing with 3D navigation ever.

I suspect the subjects weren't human as I've not encountered anyone who understood them or likes them!

2008-08-18, 01:25 AM
ok, apparently i did misunderstand what you are asking but have to agree with everyone here that it is not going anywhere, probably :-)

Some of it is fairly nice I am sure to someone that is just starting out with ACAD / Revit but for me I have to agree with Dmitri.....

Scott D Davis
2008-08-18, 03:11 AM
It's not going anywhere, and the eyeball is not coming back. F8 turns on and off the steering wheel, just as it did the Dyn View dialog.

Don't like it? Don't hit F8.

2008-08-18, 03:23 AM
The steering wheel is the ultimate POS in 3D navigation. I strain to think of how they could have done a more shitety job in designing a navigation tool. It is despised by everyone in our office, and everyone I personally know who uses Revit. It has become a stumbling block to getting new users to use Revit. It's so outrageously awkward to use, that it's dumbfounding how even Autodesk could be so moronically stupid in implementing it across their line of products. Total dumb shits.


This isn't aimed at you Dimitri, but since you brought it up - I am so freaking sick of this suggestion popping up as the only legitimate way of navigating a model. It's freaking stupid and shows a great lack of understanding that not everyone is a wizard with a mouse and keyboard. Apparently quite a few of you would be surprised how much trouble a lot of people have just double-clicking a mouse button. Revit was suppose to be for Architects, not for CAD monkeys.

Pan - Shift > Left button
Dynamic Zoon - Ctrl > Middle Mouse Button
Orbit - Shift > Middle button (in 3D Views)

Gadget Man
2008-08-18, 03:28 AM
It's not going anywhere, and the eyeball is not coming back. F8 turns on and off the steering wheel, just as it did the Dyn View dialog.

Don't like it? Don't hit F8.

That's one very arrogant response if I ever saw one... Is this how Autodesk now officially treats their clients? :shock: So, I assume that because somebody at the factory is oh-so-proud of their "brilliant" piece of programming they will not let it be diminished by some stupid clients who don't like it? Is that so?

Not even let us choose what we want? I see that the BIG BROTHER is well and happy...

Well, I just wanted to remind you that it is ONLY because of your clients that YOU have a work there and your oh-so-fantastic arrogant company can charge such extraorbitant prices because your clients are happy to pay them. If the clients will not be so satisfied with your product and ESPECIALLY with your attitude towards them you may find that they will stop paying the highway robbery prices for their yearly subscriptions...

This statement of yours is just a beautiful example of "good" customer relations... Congratulations!

Gadget Man
2008-08-18, 03:51 AM
Jerry, add this one to the "official" wishlist.
Let's see if this can be the first feature on a wishlist top 10 to asked to be removed. It'll get my vote.

I have now added it to the "official" wish list - well, at least I submitted it... if it will at all appear there is another matter... Somehow I see that this is not very popular view with Autodesk.

By the way, maybe one of the moderators could attach a voting poll to this thread (as mentioned in my post #2 above) - it could be very interesting to see what the other users think (and their numbers)... I really don't want to start another thread about the same topic just to start a poll.

2008-08-18, 06:00 AM
I love the steering wheel. I think its just another misunderstood feature.

Just because you may not know how to use something does not make it useless.

Scott D Davis
2008-08-18, 06:10 AM
That's one very arrogant response.......Congratulations!

Guess what? No one at the Factory had a say in this. It wasn't even originally programmed by a Revit developer. If my info is correct, it was first used in Design Review. The steering wheel and view cube were part of a corporate initiative. I wasn't being arrogant, just being honest. You can't take the steering wheel away from Revit. It's part of all three Revit flavors, Inventor, Design Review, AutoCAD, all AutoCAD verticals including ACA, 3ds Max and Max Design, and some of the Alias products. It's all part of an interoperability imitative.

Rant all you want. Call me all the names you want. It's not going to change a thing. My answer was simply: if you don't like it, don't use it.

Scott D Davis
2008-08-18, 06:14 AM
I have now added it to the "official" wish list - well, at least I submitted it... if it will at all appear there is another matter... Somehow I see that this is not very popular view with Autodesk.

By the way, maybe one of the moderators could attach a voting poll to this thread (as mentioned in my post #2 above) - it could be very interesting to see what the other users think (and their numbers)... I really don't want to start another thread about the same topic just to start a poll.

Yes it will show up in the wishlist. AUGI is not run by Autodesk.

Edit your own post that started this topic and add a poll. No moderator needed.

Gadget Man
2008-08-18, 06:25 AM
I love the steering wheel. I think its just another misunderstood feature.

Just because you may not know how to use something does not make it useless.

Fine! I don't mind that you love it! Great! Use it to your heart content but what I mean is why do I have to love it??? You have your own ways of working, many other people have their own. It's all about the respect for others.

It seems to me that Autodesk has very little of it for their clients... It's either their way or no way.

To me the steering wheel is useles POS and I am not alone! And just because I don't like it don't assume I don't know how to use it! I gave it several weeks of hard running before I formulated my opinions, so I think I know it as good as the next guy.

I wouldn't mind it if I had a choice, so I could keep using the old technique if I wanted or switch to the new one. Now, as I'm left only with the option I don't like I am not happy. I think this is perfectly understandable...

2008-08-18, 12:11 PM
It's not going anywhere, and the eyeball is not coming back. F8 turns on and off the steering wheel, just as it did the Dyn View dialog.

Don't like it? Don't hit F8.


Don't like drunk drivers on the roads!. Don't drive then you idiot.

I am afraid I'm with Jerry (call it an Australian thing if you like), those type of comments are not helpful.

Gadget Man
2008-08-18, 12:38 PM
... Edit your own post that started this topic and add a poll. No moderator needed.

Well, maybe this is just a new thing you are not aware of or I am doing something wrong but

When I tried to add a voting poll at the time I submitted my post #1, by the time I finished typing (and editing) my options/ questions, my 5 minutes were up and I wasn't allowed to add it anymore :(. (See my post #2)

What's more, if I was warned (just a simple notification) about this time limit, I could prepare myself beforehand and have my questions ready. Without such a warning I was simply taken by surprise...
When I tried to edit my post #1 now, I couldn't see an option to add a poll...So, how can I do it without help from a moderator?

2008-08-18, 12:44 PM

Please put up the poll, so we can see how many agree with you. I would imagine there are many that like the steering wheel that have not posted. Myself, I think the steering wheel is better then the old Dynamic View thing. The steering wheel is far from perfect, and can be very difficult to control, but so was the old one.


I agree, Revit probably would have been better software by now without Autodesk, and if the factory could have kept up the development pace of the early versions.

Gadget Man
2008-08-18, 12:48 PM

Please put up the poll...

YES, I would like to, but how???

See my post just above...

2008-08-18, 01:13 PM
YES, I would like to, but how???

See my post just above...
Jerry, I will help with the poll later today.

To everyone whose language has sunk below the "bar" please clean it up. It's okay to be passionate about this just try to be more professional going about it.

2008-08-18, 01:23 PM
Guess what? No one at the Factory had a say in this.... It's part of all three Revit flavors, Inventor, Design Review, AutoCAD, all AutoCAD verticals including ACA, 3ds Max and Max Design, and some of the Alias products. It's all part of an interoperability initative.

Rant all you want. Call me all the names you want. It's not going to change a thing. My answer was simply: if you don't like it, don't use it.

I would expect better from an Autodesk representative. I would think that you would want to know why users don't like the steering wheel? How can it be made better? How does it affect workflow? Not just a corporate line of "...interoperability initative. (sic)" I like the misspelling tho. It makes it sound more like inattentive - which is exactly how I feel about the steering wheel. It was a waste of time and distracted resources from other important features - like, I don't know - a basic text editor? And "interoperability" ain't a GUI steering wheel. Try making all the packages read and write the same data formats. That is interoperability. Come back when that hapens and we can talk about a unified GUI.

And yes, as a customer - IMHO the steering wheel is a total POS., So ranting won't change a thing? That does tell me that Autodesk doesn't listen to its users - especially when it comes from an ADSK represenative. (And as a stockholder - I'm mortified.)

2008-08-18, 01:51 PM
MY issue with the new functionality in the DynView menu is the following:

Now, if i hit f8, and carefully select the *Orient to a View* button (which requires the ultimate mouse precision now, which im still willing to succumb to, because this is one of the best tools in Revit, IMHO) i no longer get a list of views that i can scroll through with my mouse wheel. I get a list that doesnt fit on the page, with an up and down arrow, that i have to just click and wait. Well, in a large project with hundreds of views, and some 80 wall sections, even if i type *S* to get to sections, im still twiddling my thumb (not plural because one hand has to hold down the mouse button). Its the ultimate time waster, trying to make use of what i thought was one of the best tools in revit. It LITERALLY: Turned a 2d drawing in to a 3D model for end users to better analyze the sitch.

And FWIW- this type of nav tool almost makes sense in sketchbook pro, where the user is more than likely holding a pen. But with a mouse, its just plain goofy.

2008-08-18, 02:41 PM
Scott has sold his sole, to Old Blotted Autodesk,

2008-08-18, 03:41 PM
While i hate the steering wheel as much as everyone else in the thread, (even moreso because of the orient to a view issue i highlighted above), im going to venture out on a ledge and say that i can appreciate Scott's POV.

If marketing/collaboration/non-end-user-exec's at Adsk made the decision on high, to implement the tool, regardless of the wishes of the people in development and/or us (the end users), then as terse as his tone of text is, its still true: We cant do anything about it. :shrug:

We might not like the tone of his message, but the fact remains that were shooting the messenger. If the Factory didnt get a say in the implementation of such a goofy tool, we should all complain, and make a lot of noise... But to the right people. I say every single one of us submits a Support Request about this, right now!!! LOL...

2008-08-18, 08:49 PM
MY issue with the new functionality in the DynView menu is the following:

Now, if i hit f8, and carefully select the *Orient to a View* button (which requires the ultimate mouse precision now, which im still willing to succumb to, because this is one of the best tools in Revit, IMHO) i no longer get a list of views that i can scroll through with my mouse wheel. I get a list that doesnt fit on the page, with an up and down arrow, that i have to just click and wait. Well, in a large project with hundreds of views, and some 80 wall sections, even if i type *S* to get to sections, im still twiddling my thumb (not plural because one hand has to hold down the mouse button). Its the ultimate time waster, trying to make use of what i thought was one of the best tools in revit. It LITERALLY: Turned a 2d drawing in to a 3D model for end users to better analyze the sitch.

And FWIW- this type of nav tool almost makes sense in sketchbook pro, where the user is more than likely holding a pen. But with a mouse, its just plain goofy.

Not to bring another new tool into this "discussion", but AAron, have you tried using the View Cube for your Orient to View? If you Right-Click on the View Cube, your Orient to View is split up by Floor Plan, Elevations, Sections, & 3D Views. At least that helps some.

2008-08-18, 10:56 PM
Oh, ****! I had missed that entirely. Now i have nothing but love for the new tools, lol. Sorry gang. :)

Thanks Dave :)

Chad Smith
2008-08-18, 11:02 PM
If my info is correct, it was first used in Design Review.
I believe this to be correct.
But as I remember, it wasn't very well received even as far back as the ADR Beta, but yet Autodesk continued to roll it out.

Sure there will be users who will like it, I'm guessing those new to Autodesk products because it has that "eye candy" factor (which is all it is), but for existing users or power users it doesn't offer any benefits.

I would say that 95% of the users that I have met, both online and in the office, who are using Autodesk products which has the S/W implemented, say it's a POS and wish the resources went into developing something else.

Some of these reasons are;

Too complicated. There are that many options on the wheel at times, and that there is more time put into reading the wheel than using it.
This is confirmed by the instructional dialog you get whel first using the wheel. UI should be easy to use and intuitive. The S/W fails from the get-go in this are alone.
Follows the mouse. Makes it harder to read the view.
Too large. In your face. On the other hand, the smaller wheel option requires more time reading it, thus becoming too slow to use.
Not pen tablet friendly (this is my personal peeve).I'm sure there are other reasons from other users.

The question now is, Is Autodesk too stubborn to finally listen to it's users, or are they going to do some significant improvements to this tool?

"If it aint broke, don't break it"

2008-08-19, 12:19 AM
This is intended to permit our members to vote for or against the new Steering Wheel feature. I've merged this new poll thread with the original.

2008-08-19, 12:33 AM
I have to say that I am appalled at the level this thread has dropped to. I do not think that Scott's attitude was uppity or anything else like that. Shooting the messenger is exactly what is happening here.

Further, if you do not like it then do not use it. It is not that difficult to deal with but appears to be a case of a mountain being made out of a mole hill.

As for me I DO NOT LIKE the fact that my "eye" con is gone and find the new pan / zoom / orbit tool hard to work with. I LOVE the view cube though. Yes, it was started in ADR but did you know that it actually started years ago in Inventor??? That is right.... so we complain that ADSK does not try to make all of their programs run and appear the same and yet that is what this is. We also say that they do not listen to us on trying to make the files , etc. more interoperable..... Well we are still saying that and will keep on saying it and maybe they will listen, soon, hopefully.;)

Phil Read
2008-08-19, 12:35 AM
I'm thinking I'll make a t-shirt from the attached image.

More thoughts here (self-serving link):




2008-08-19, 12:51 AM
I can see the funny side of that image...

2008-08-19, 01:02 AM
ROFLMAO on that one

Steve Mintz
2008-08-19, 12:08 PM
I'm thinking I'll make a t-shirt from the attached image.

More thoughts here (self-serving link):



Phil! You forgot to call it 'Wheelie'!

I assume that everyone remembers Clippy and his antics from Microsoft Word. That pretty much summarizes my position on "Wheelie".


Though as much as I despise the wheel following my mouse around (I turn it off with F8 thank goodness), I appreciate the feature when I have to do work on my laptop and forget a scroll-wheel mouse; it is easier than going to the corner of the screen for "Dynamically Modify View"

2008-08-19, 01:16 PM
I agree with Jerry. It's a cumbersome and clunky 3D navigation tool.

Unfortunately, in order not it use it as Scott suggests, the old eyeball functionality would have to remain, but it's gone.
If the eyball had remained, I wouldn' t use the steering wheel.

John Tobin

2008-08-19, 02:01 PM
well I actually like it myself. It makes it easier for me to walk through a building, turn corners, etc. On previous versions, you had to hold Shift and drag the mouse to move forward or backward. But then to look left or right, you had to stop, hold the Ctrl key, and then move the mouse around.

With the steering wheel, I can walk all over, around, through a building with just one mouse click. I can look left or right, turn corners, all in one fluid motion.

To me, the old way (eyeball) was much more clunky and cumbersome.

The issue I have, though, is that sometimes the camera movement seems to be very slow when walking. But then the Up/Down function is wayyyyy too sensitive. I would only ask that there be some kind of adjustments added.

Scott D Davis
2008-08-19, 03:32 PM
Unfortunately, in order not it use it as Scott suggests, the old eyeball functionality would have to remain, but it's gone. If the eyball had remained, I wouldn' t use the steering wheel.

I really dont understand...the mouse functions for navigation using the scroll wheel and Ctrl, Shift, and Alt (pan, zoom, orbit) still work just as they always did. I almost never used the Dyn View Eyeball. Usually it was to reset the view or to save the position of a view.

Now with the wheel, I rarely use it. Typical use for me is in perspective, where I can "look" and "walk" around a model. I don't use the steering wheel for normal plan/section/elevation iso 3d views. The Rewind function is cool, and something we never had.

Am I misunderstanding that some think you MUST use the wheel to navigate?

Andre Carvalho
2008-08-19, 04:03 PM
Me too, I almost never used the Dyn View Eyeball and almost never use the new steering wheel as well. I just control my 3D views the way I always did before. That said, I don't mind if it is there or not. But since it IS there, I started to use the things I found useful in the tool and ignored the others.

As Patrick mentioned the steering wheel is nice to walk through the building. The rewind, as Scott mentioned, is also nice.

However, one thing I really miss (and I think Autodesk should do something to fix it) is the option to restore a view back to its saved position. In Revit 2009, even if we can save the view and use the rewind to restore it back to its original position, we can't do it after the view gets closed. Back in 2008, we had the option to restore the view... Read more about this issue on this thread:


Andre Carvalho

Scott D Davis
2008-08-19, 04:13 PM
However, one thing I really miss (and I think Autodesk should do something to fix it) is the option to restore a view back to its saved position.

The Home button on the View Cube restores a view back to its original position. (or you can reset the "home" to the position of your choice to restore back to.)

Andre Carvalho
2008-08-19, 04:16 PM
The Home button on the View Cube restores a view back to its original position. (or you can reset the "home" to the position of your choice to restore back to.)

Ah, the " Set current view as home"... Thanks Scott!

Andre Carvalho

2008-08-19, 05:07 PM
...almost never used the Dyn View Eyeball. Usually it was to reset the view or to save the position of a view.

Am I misunderstanding that some think you MUST use the wheel to navigate?

And orient to view. We use those functions a lot and that is the issue. It was simple to get to in 2008.

2008-08-19, 05:59 PM
And orient to view. We use those functions a lot and that is the issue. It was simple to get to in 2008.

It is fewer clicks to do the same thing with the steering wheel/view cube.

2008-08-19, 07:55 PM

Many thanks to you and Dave earlier in the thread, for pointing out that you can do Orient to View from the View cube.

But doing it through wheelie is terrible, since once you get to the list of views, the scroll wheel on a mouse doesnt work. You have to hold the arrow at the top or bottom, and it moves really slow through the list. With 400 views in a project, that takes a lonnnnng time. Even typing "S" to get to views titled "section" i still have to scroll through 50 of them.

Thank GOD though, now i know theyre divided up when you right click on the cube to do it!

2008-08-19, 08:13 PM
But doing it through wheelie is terrible, since once you get to the list of views, the scroll wheel on a mouse doesnt work. You have to hold the arrow at the top or bottom, and it moves really slow through the list. With 400 views in a project, that takes a lonnnnng time. Even typing "S" to get to views titled "section" i still have to scroll through 50 of them.

Now that is constructive criticism. This seems like something a little more manageable than, "Scrap the whole thing it is ****!" sentiments expressed earlier in the thread.

But even with dyn view wouldn't it take a long time to scroll (maybe not as long if you can use the scroll wheel on the mouse) to the view you wanted? (I don't have a project with 400+ views to test. :shock:)

This is a problem that seems like it might be unique to Revit and not seen in the other applications using the steering wheel/view cube.

2008-08-19, 08:36 PM
The old way, you hit F8, selected Orient to a View, and when the menu popped up, the scroll wheel worked. Maybe its minor and only affects me, but my scroll wheel is set to go 9 lines at a time in Windows, so it absolutely flew through that drawing list, LOL.

BUT, you guys having pointed out that the view types are broken up when you do it through the view cube, helps a bunch.

Whenever people in our office are trying to figure out sections, i make them do Orient to a View before they come ask for help, to reinforce that the particular tool will help them visualize what theyre modeling.

(the project with all the views is beautiful... i love it, LOL)

2008-08-20, 12:06 PM
...unique to Revit and not seen in the other applications using the steering wheel/view cube.

In other applications (3DS Max) we've had to disable these features as per Autodesk support due to frequent crashes with rendering. So my frustration spans several Autodesk products for more reasons that discussed just with Revit.

Chasing that little arrow in the steering wheel is just hard. I just find the mouse precision needed for the whole tool way too difficult. Shoot - with the size of the arrow, I'm surprised some of our sight challenged users haven't been more vocal. My sights pretty good ancd I find it a strain. And I find that moving menus are difficult. Dialogs that pop up in a predictable place save me time. I can typically have my mouse in the correct spot before the dialog is open. With the steering wheel - I have to stop, wait, look around, locate the feature, then click. I don't get the most out of the 3DS Max Quad menus for this same reason. They make me dizzy.

The F8 Dynamic view could have been more effective. There was no real reason to have to expand the dialog to get the extra features. That could have been cleaned up easily and saved several mouse clicks.

I suggest that the whole orient to view function be removed from the steering wheel and placed in more convenient locations. I'd much rather have a Orient to view on the right click of any projected view. I could right click > orient to view > and boom. My default 3D view would be set and cropped per the previous view. That would be slick. I'd also like it available by right clicking any projected view name in the browser while in a 3D view. In addition one could select a view object such as a section marker > right click > orient to this view. These types of functionality would be simple to implement. Easy to use and wouldn't require a whole new GUI. This avoids the whole issue of scrolling through a big list of possible views.(Copyright Aaron Rumple, 2008 )

Remember: The best way to solve a problem is not to create one in the first place.

2008-08-20, 03:15 PM
Aaron, I found a much easier way to use orient to view yesterday...right click on the view cube instead, this gives you a drop down that is sorted by view type.
I have a shortcut for orient to view (OTV) that brings you to the old style list of views also.

2008-08-20, 03:24 PM
I'd much rather have a Orient to view on the right click of any projected view. I could right click > orient to view > and boom. My default 3D view would be set and cropped per the previous view. That would be slick.

Isn't this the way it works when accessing orient to view from the view cube? Perhaps this method of setting the view is not a "discoverable" as it could be?

2008-08-20, 04:46 PM
Isn't this the way it works when accessing orient to view from the view cube? Perhaps this method of setting the view is not a "discoverable" as it could be?


What I'm saying is that I'm working in a section view - 2D. Drafting away. I want to see what I'm doing in that section. Just right click in the 2D section view > Orient to View - and you would jump to the default 3D with the crop settings from the 2D view you were working in. 99.99% of the time, when I want to see a 3D view - I'm in a 2D view of exactly what I want to see. I don't want to go to 3D and then try to find the view by name of which I was just in - which I can't remember, because it was a design section which I'm not going to put on a sheet and didn't name. That's a lot of extra steps.

I still might want to save the 3D view, so I still have to fiddle with the steering wheel. Also the basic problem isn't addressed of how to reset all the 3D views for printing. So you still have to go to each view and reset it.

(Actually it would be nice if hitting the 3D button did the same thing. Took the current 2D view settings and applied them to the resulting 3D view. but this could be more controversial.)

2008-08-20, 05:08 PM
What I'm saying is that I'm working in a section view - 2D. Drafting away. I want to see what I'm doing in that section. Just right click in the 2D section view > Orient to View - and you would jump to the default 3D with the crop settings from the 2D view you were working in. 99.99% of the time, when I want to see a 3D view - I'm in a 2D view of exactly what I want to see. I don't want to go to 3D and then try to find the view by name of which I was just in - which I can't remember, because it was a design section which I'm not going to put on a sheet and didn't name. That's a lot of extra steps.

This is would be totally new functionality. Not offered under the old dynamic view or the current steering wheel/view cube, but sounds interresting. :-)

I still might want to save the 3D view, so I still have to fiddle with the steering wheel.

You can save a view from a right click on the view cube. No steering wheel interaction req'd.

2008-08-20, 05:23 PM
This is would be totally new functionality. Not offered under the old dynamic view or the current steering wheel/view cube, but sounds interresting. :-)

But that is at the heart of my issues with the steering wheel. It didn't address any needs or problems I had with 3D viewing. It is just a new UI that I actually find more difficult than the old. As for the rewind walk through functions - what I really needed was a good keyframe editor.

Mr Greg
2008-08-20, 09:38 PM
I wish I could vote or comment on the Steering Wheel; but alas all of the Architects we work with have yet to upgrade to 2009. So I am stuck using Structure 2008 because Autodesk is a monopoly that only cares about making money rather than making the program work for real world users. I'm still hoping the next version will let us save back to previous versions.

Chad Smith
2008-09-01, 01:46 AM
I know the article is a little old, but I was browsing the Revit knowledge base and noticed that reverting back to pre-2009 functionality made it into the 'Hot Issues' (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=11234662&linkID=9243099) back in May. Must have had quite number of requests.

2008-09-01, 04:46 AM
I am not a hater of the wheelie, but I do miss some easy functionality of the eyeball tool.

All I had to do is click on the "walkthrough" feature...then with my mouse, shift, and ctrl (I was able to walk towards/away, move the camera's location, and move the direction the camera was looking)....I was able to move around the model at my heart's content! Also it was nice to have an easy way to increase/decrese the focal length of the camera (you can still access that with the wheelie, but it is a couple of very precise clicks away....not the friendliest)

It's currently not that easy...the wheelie does allow me to:

While I click on Walk.....I can walk and by pressing ctrl I can look up/down
While I Look....I can press the arrow keys to walk around

but it's not as fluid as the old walkthrough with the ctrl and shift buttons....

I do miss the old tool....but the wheelie can be improved and change to the better.