View Full Version : rendering issue

2008-08-19, 04:28 PM
I am trying to render some views for a presentation, and Revit is being difficult. I have lighting that shows up in one rendering of a large room (view from floor level looking straight ahead), but when I try to render a different view (from a balcony looking down), I get a completely black screen. I have checked all of the settings... any ideas?

2008-08-19, 04:37 PM
Not to sound mean, but these are the following questions I have to ask... I haven't had any problem with rendering. For the most part, the screen goes black until it gets beyond 10%...

Is you camera in a wall? Do you have the same lighting scheme for both views? Is the camera pointed in correct direction? Did you let it finish rendering?

Try rendering a small 'Region' first.

I hope this helps.

Jeff S.

2008-08-19, 04:46 PM
Hi cheryla,

<Post should be moved to the Rendering Forum>

Well, a few things could be the issue and without seeing what your settings are (as you've checked them already), it would be difficult to 'debug'. However, let's try a few things first...

Was the view created from scratch (camera) or did you copy by 'duplicating the view' then moving the camera location?
Is your camera within a model piece? ie - in a wall?
See where the camera is in plan.
Try moving the camera.
Is there a floor or something in the way of the light?
In the rendering dialogue, you may need to reset the level of detail - try doing a draft first, then higher.
Did you have an Exterior-Sun only setting, then change to an Interior-* setting?
Try placing a new light somewhere (downlight), then try a rendering, then delete the light.
Are you trying to use 'Daylighting Portals' (windows/curtainwalls)? These are off by default in every new view.
You have to change the view to Custom, then scroll to the bottom and check the boxes to turn them on.Hope this helps - post an image or two so we can see the results!

2008-08-19, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I checked all those things, and no, you don't sound mean. I would have asked them too. I let the rendering run all the way through, still all black. There are some windows in the room that aren't showing up in the one view that show up in the first.
The view from the balcony doesn't have the camera in a wall or anything, and the un-rendered view looks just fine. I will post a quick un-rendered view, and a quick rendered view of down below.
Notice that the windows "work" as well as the lights in the view from the first floor.

2008-08-19, 07:48 PM
Here are some jpegs...

2008-08-19, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I checked all those things, and no, you don't sound mean. I would have asked them too. I let the rendering run all the way through, still all black. There are some windows in the room that aren't showing up in the one view that show up in the first.
The view from the balcony doesn't have the camera in a wall or anything, and the un-rendered view looks just fine. I will post a quick un-rendered view, and a quick rendered view of down below.
Notice that the windows "work" as well as the lights in the view from the first floor.

I would double check the lighting settings to make sure they are truly the same. I have had some fun with grouping light fixtures. You might want to try that, but I'm sure it won't help you with the black screen issue.

The only other thing I can think to check is the camera location... The simplest answer is probably the correct one.

Jeff S.

2008-08-19, 10:28 PM

Try your exposure settings. Let a draft view run, (all black), then adjust the exposure settings. Should be able to force out an image. The default exposure setting for Revit (on a new view) is normally too low for an interior render to show (it thinks external) Also as mentioned above double check and be sure an interior choice is selected under lighting schemes.