View Full Version : How to find JPEG images?

2008-08-19, 07:36 PM
We have a project with several VERY large JPEG images with site information that were brought into the drawing early on in the project. Now that we are progressing through DD's, there are TONS of plan views now, and we don't need the images anymore.

Just to be safe, I don't want to just delete the images from the list of raster images. I'd like to find the views where they're located and delete them one-by-one. Is there any quick way of figuring out which views contain raster images?

2008-08-19, 08:22 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think so, but really each image listed in the Raster manager is an individual instance, not like a family that represents several types, each one is unique... I think you'd be safe to delete away.

Since they act like annotations, they can't be quantified. While the program does assign them and ID number, you cannot search for the ID number and find a view to see them, it will report "no good views can be found" so the only way to see which image is associated with any given ID number is to be in the right view to begin with. They're not like DWG Imports in that sense.

One thing to note, though: once deleted, you will need to purge them from the database.

2008-08-19, 08:32 PM
Well actually the list showed 2 instances of several of the images. I believe that is because someone duplicated a view with several images in it.

I ended up finding the views with most of the images, but one of them I never could find, so I just got rid of it through the Raster Images dialog box.

But now I see all those images still listed in the Purge Unused dialog box. Wow, I never knew they stayed in there like that! And multiple instances of them too! The interesting thing is when I checked each image to be purged, the number of items checked tally at the bottom listed 2 items for each image checked. Weird.

So now I just purged all those images out. WOW!!! The file size reduced from over 50MB this morning to only 21MB now. :mrgreen:

2008-08-19, 11:10 PM
Duplicating the view, with detailing, would duplicate the image with it, just like an annotation,so there you go for the extra copies. And, yes, purging those puppies from your database...what a huge hidden weight those can be!