View Full Version : Delete 'Temp' levels

Chad Smith
2004-09-22, 09:38 PM
There seems to be a bug where unwanted 'temp' levels can appear in elevation, refer PDF attachment for details.

1. If you are working in a Worksets file, make all worksets editable.

2. Create a copy of the "Level Head - Circle" Annotation symbol from the Project browser

3. Create a new Elevation view (to ensure all of the levels are visible)

4. Open the new elevation view

5. Select one of the levels

6. Select "Properties" > "Edit/New"

7. Duplicate the Level Type to make a new level type

8. Assign the new level head that you created in step 2 to this new Level type

9. Select all the level heads you can in the new elevation view (you will NOT be able to select the Temp Levels in this view)

10. Change all of their types to the new level type created in step 7 (now the Temp Levels are isolated by the fact that they are a different level type using a different level head).

11. Back in the project browser, right pick on the original level head that you duplicated in step 2 and select "Select all Instances" -> only the Temp Levels should be selected at this time


Note: That I had to go through my entire project and make sure each object was on the correct level. Some of my objects didn't have a level displayed in the level parameter, so I guess they may have been on a temp level and got deleted when the temp levels were deleted.