View Full Version : Single and Double line pipe/duct in same view

2008-08-21, 07:32 PM
There is a need by many users to show piping and ductwork as both single and double line in the same view.

It would be nice to control this by filters or VG overrides if possible.

2008-08-21, 07:58 PM
You can override the detail level by category in Visibility/Graphics? Does this accomplish what you want? Pipe using Coarse override and Duct using Medium?

2008-08-21, 08:04 PM
No, I would need to show duct as single line in some places (branches) and double line in other places (main runs).

Same for pipe. Some people want to show pipe 2" and larger as double line while showing everything smaller than 2" as single line.

Here is a duct example:

2008-08-21, 08:16 PM
Oh, sure I've seen that before. That just isn't how I read your post. To me it read that you wanted pipe one way duct another overall. It is more that you want major (large/primary) runs double and minor(smaller/secondary) runs single for both pipe and duct systems..is that a fair way to describe it.

2008-08-21, 08:17 PM
Yes, that's it.

2008-08-21, 11:32 PM
I agree completely; although, at the moment we show all piping in single line, so we will see how it all works out.