View Full Version : Constraints r not satisfied

2008-08-22, 05:18 PM
I want to comprehend properly that what is the exact reason of the Error "Constraints are not satisfied". I m doing 1st tutorial that Shipped with RAC 2008.

There are 5 vertical and 5 Horizontal Grid Lines r drawn, Dimensions r locked between them. There r Six Levels & Five Floors exists from 01 Level to 05, Floors r constrained to each other.

When I trying to change the distance Value between Grid 04 and 05 in 00 Foundation Level then error appear and 03 and 04 Grid Lines appear as errorneous, when I expand, it looks like: -

Error 1
Grids: Grids 3: id 119056
Grids: Grids 4: id 119063
Constraints: Linear Dimension Style: Id 119122

Which is Linear Dimension and where it is exist in the project, Please help me. Please tell me that which Linear dimension is errorneous and how it can b rectified. Also guide me that what happens when we remove the constraints.

2008-08-22, 05:48 PM
Removing the constraints will do one of two things: turn off the lock (the constraint) or delete the dimension. The latter would happen if the object being dimensioned-to was removed from the database.

Is it possible that there is a dimension on a level above that also constrained the same grid lines?

2008-08-23, 03:50 AM
This is an Error in RAC 2008 tutorial File, please draw ur attention & whats wrong vid it?: -
Open [i_RRB_add_floors.rvt] Project file from Shipped Imperial Tutorials & try to change the distance B/W d [4 & 5] Horizontal Grid Lines then error appear dat Constraints r not satisfied.
When I remove the constraints then Revit, UNLOCKS the Dimension between Horizontal 3 & 4 Grid Lines.
Please tell me where is the error exist? and why is it appearing?. Also why this error IS NOT appear, while changing distance between Vertical Grid Lines A & E.