View Full Version : Bulleted and Numbered Lists

2008-08-25, 11:07 PM
Cadalyst Magazine just published a Revit tip in their most recent email newsletter. If you highlight a block of text while editing it, and then hit Ctrl + Shift + L, it will turn the text into a bulleted list. Repeating the same key combination will cycle the text through several numbering styles, and eventually back to normal text.

I love this feature!! Unfortunately, when I click outside the text box to end my editing, the text reverts back to its un-bulleted/un-numbered appearance.

Am I doing something wrong? Anyone else know how to make this work?

I've tried it both in 2008 and 2009 and I get the same behavior.


Andrew Blyholder

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-08-25, 11:18 PM
Click inside the text box first (to finish the bullet selection process) and then outside the box to finish your edit.

OK, this worked a second ago! Now it doesn`t.

2008-08-25, 11:21 PM
Nope, tried that. It still goes away.


2008-08-25, 11:23 PM
Oops, I see I've started a duplicate thread. See the thread "Cadalyst Tip 25AUG08."