View Full Version : Casework not cut in Plan

Kenny Gee
2008-08-29, 01:29 AM
Hey all
Is their a way I can get casework to be sown cut (sectioned) in plan view??? as it doesn't seem to be.....
I was reading somewhere that I may need to draw Symbolic Lines that give the illusion of the item being in section.

ray salmon
2008-08-29, 02:11 AM
have you tried adjusting the view depth in view properties...
it does cut some items....


Kenny Gee
2008-08-29, 02:13 AM
have you tried adjusting the view depth in view properties...
it does cut some items....


yeah, nothing happened really

ray salmon
2008-08-29, 02:19 AM
how bout scope box??
btw is your casework default stuff...

i will try and see if i can get a casework cut in plan view


Andre Carvalho
2008-08-29, 02:21 AM
Is the family in 3D? If yes, while editing the family, goto a 3D view and select one of the 3D components. Go to Visibility on the options bar and check if it is set to Display in 3D views and: Plan/RCP and When cut in plan/RCP.

These options are there if you want to show or hide 3D elements when shown in plan/cut. If they are hid, then the use of symbolic lines comes in hand.

Also, check the view range with in the family. While in the family, go to the plan view, right click, view properties, View range. Change the cut plane to make sure it cuts the family. In some families, if the view range is set too high, even if you set it lower in the project, it still shows the element as if it is not being cut.

By the way, why show the casework in section in plan?

Andre Carvalho

ray salmon
2008-08-29, 03:07 AM
i didn't see these options work on plan view

quess they don't expect anyone to cut casework in plan view
you build casework to that tho...


Kenny Gee
2008-08-29, 03:12 AM
Thanks Andre
I want to see my casework (fixtures) in cut plan view as I would like to see the detail - especially when I need to document these fixtures ie. framework, carcase detail etc...

Also I found that my families do have visible when cut in plan/rcp checked, so I'm not sure why this inst happening in my main plan or any callout plans

2008-08-29, 04:29 AM
I'm sure you have already looked at this, but some families will only show cuts if in med or fine views, that could also be a factor.

ray salmon
2008-08-29, 05:48 PM
i think the reason for the casework not cutting is that they are created with profiles.... profiles don't cut in certain views...

if you want casework to cut in plan view they will have to be created differently.... the default casework rarely fits anyway..


ray salmon
2008-08-29, 06:17 PM
just for the record I created a simple casework just using generic models and it cut fine in plan view...

sometimes i think it is faster just to do it this way

no surprize tho...


Gadget Man
2008-08-30, 12:32 PM
I think that families of category "casework" by design are not cut in plan view.

They are shown as viewed from above. Even overhead cupboards will be shown as viewed from above and rightly so - for this very purpose - to not to be cut by a cut plan going through them.

If you want them to show cut you must make them as generic model families or use symbolic lines.

2008-08-30, 08:03 PM
i think the reason for the casework not cutting is that they are created with profiles.... profiles don't cut in certain views...r

Not sure where you're coming up with this but I believe you're incorrect. It's the family category itself that determines whether they're cuttable or not, not whether they're done with a profile family or a sketch.

I think that families of category "casework" by design are not cut in plan view.

That's actually not correct, but it does bring up some very interesting facts about casework families:

Casework families are cuttable so you have control over their display through visibility settings while in the family editor;
If your cut plane in the family editor is above the casework, they will always show in projection in your project, even if the cut plane intesects them in plan;
If your cut plane in the family editor intersects the casework, you can show them either in projection or cut in plan in your project, depending on your cut plane.
In section, the above rules do not apply and the casework shows cut when intersected by an elevation or a section cut plane if your visibility settings are set accordingly in the family editor.

Gadget Man
2008-08-30, 11:33 PM
... If your cut plane in the family editor is above the casework, they will always show in projection in your project, even if the cut plane intesects them in plan;

If your cut plane in the family editor intersects the casework, you can show them either in projection or cut in plan in your project, depending on your cut plane...

Thank you for clarifying this (finally) for me (and many others I'm sure)!

Now I see what I was talking about - since I never bothered changing the cut plane inside the Family Editor I always ended up with them NOT being cut in the project.

But I think I read somewhere (maybe even in the help file) very long time ago that casework families are by design not being cut in plan view. Maybe it was the case in early versions... ? I don't remember now. It doesn't matter anyway - the most important thing is that now I know how to control this. Thank you!

Andre Carvalho
2008-08-30, 11:59 PM
Also, check the view range with in the family. While in the family, go to the plan view, right click, view properties, View range. Change the cut plane to make sure it cuts the family. In some families, if the view range is set too high, even if you set it lower in the project, it still shows the element as if it is not being cut.

Andre Carvalho

Dave is right. You have to check the cut plane with in the family editor. That's what I was talking about when I wrote my post above.

Jerry, here is what the help file says about cuttable families:

Cuttable and Non-Cuttable Family Categories

If a family is cuttable, the family displays as cut when the cut plane of a view intersects that family in all types of views.
In the Family Element Visibility Settings dialog, there is an option called When cut in Plan/RCP. This option determines if family geometry is shown when the cut plane intersects that family. For example, in door families, the geometry for plan swing is set to be shown when the door is cut in plan views and not shown when the door is not cut.
This option is never made available and is never selected for non-cuttable families. For some cuttable families, the option is made available, and you can select it. For other cuttable families, the option is never made available, but it is always selected.
The following table lists cuttable families and whether the option is made available for that family.
Note: Not Applicable means the category is a system family that cannot be made from a family template.

Family Category - Option Made Available

Casework Yes
Ceilings Not Applicable
Columns Yes
Curtain Wall Panels No
Doors Yes
Floors Not Applicable
Generic Models No
Roofs Not Applicable
Site Yes
Structural Columns Yes
Structural Foundations Yes
Structural Framing Yes
Topography No
Walls Not Applicable
Windows Yes

Andre Carvalho

2008-08-31, 12:27 AM
You're welcome Jerry.

I'm sure there is a reason for this behavior (I honestly can't figure it out), although I have to say that these different rules between different families and how the cut plane in the family affects visibility in the project is beginning to get on my nerves! I would MUCH prefer to have the same rule apply to all families (make them all cuttable for example) and then let the user check a visible override to control how such family create. But then, that might be my control-freak side talking :D

Gadget Man
2008-08-31, 01:02 AM
... Jerry, here is what the help file says about cuttable families:

Casework Yes ..Andre Carvalho

Yes, I see it now. I must have (mentally) mixed the properties of "Casework" family with these of "Speciality Equipment" or "Plumbing Fixture" families.

I often nest, say, plumbing fixture family (e.g. in vanity cabinets) or speciality equipment (e.g. in wall oven tower, etc.) in my casework family. I must have "automatically" assumed the same being for casework.

My bad :)

2008-09-02, 05:54 PM
I have to say that these different rules between different families and how the cut plane in the family affects visibility in the project is beginning to get on my nerves! I would MUCH prefer to have the same rule apply to all families (make them all cuttable for example) and then let the user check a visible override to control how such family create. But then, that might be my control-freak side talking :D

I came to this same conclusion as soon as I realized that family categories behaved differently. In my experience as a newish Revit user and as someone who in years past trained a lot of coworkers with VectorWorks and ArchiCAD, consistency, or a lack there of, is a huge factor in how quickly people "get it" and can be productively turned loose on projects.

When it comes to pro software like Revit we all become control freaks sooner or later. Problem is software developers are classic CFs themselves, and in a vain attempt to make the OOTB experience smoother for new users they over-automate things only to end up making life more difficult for the power users everyone strives to become.

2008-09-02, 06:11 PM
FYI, those are the not cuttable family:
Detail Items
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Fixtures
Furniture Systems
Lighting Fixtures
Mechanical Equipment
Plumbing Fixtures
Specialty Equipment

ray salmon
2008-09-02, 06:55 PM
wait.... have you actually tied these suggestions.

i cannot get casework to cut in plan view no mater what I do with the view depth... cut plane, visability or whatever...

show me an example and i will believe...
