View Full Version : linking schedules with type elevation views

ray salmon
2008-08-29, 02:06 AM
not sure how this is really done but...

after inserting views by means of legend how can the title be linked to the "type" or "family" in the schedule..

currently I am manually typing in the "type" in just the comment column...easy to error..

got to be a better way...


2008-08-29, 02:37 AM
Sorry Ray, have a hard time understanding what you are trying to do...can you add some images possibly as well?

not sure how this is really done but...

after inserting views by means of legend how can the title be linked to the "type" or "family" in the schedule..

currently I am manually typing in the "type" in just the comment column...easy to error..

got to be a better way...


ray salmon
2008-08-29, 05:57 PM
basically in the scheduals it seems to be conventional to have one column as "type" refering to type of window (slider for example) then show an elevation view of the window (or door). there may only 3 types of windows but many shown on the plan..

how is the schedual linked to the title of these elevation views of window and door types.... "families" in Revit seem to what "types" is conventioually..

anyway if Revit is linked data there should be a way...


2008-08-29, 10:20 PM
Are you talking about using legends when you are refering to "show an elevation view of the window (or door)?

If legend, there is no way to tag that information...but in another view where you can use a tag..you can tag that information...

But I might have misunderstood what you are trying to achieve......at least I am trying

basically in the scheduals it seems to be conventional to have one column as "type" refering to type of window (slider for example) then show an elevation view of the window (or door). there may only 3 types of windows but many shown on the plan..

how is the schedual linked to the title of these elevation views of window and door types.... "families" in Revit seem to what "types" is conventioually..

anyway if Revit is linked data there should be a way...


ray salmon
2008-08-29, 10:59 PM
in you drawing sheet where are getting the elevation view of the doors from
are you droping them in from the families menu??

the "types" in the attachment are not linked to the schedual
i had to keyboard all that in....

just looking for a "wow" way to this....


2008-08-29, 11:40 PM
If we werea able to place Tags in legends, then you'd have your solution....schedule the Type Mark and tag the legend element with a tag that shows the Type Mark. Now they would be coordinated. But, we can't do that :(

ray salmon
2008-08-30, 12:11 AM
well we can't expect everything to be perfect.... yet anyway..


2008-08-30, 01:59 AM
To Tag in the legend would be ideal, but if you want intelligence, you can do what I showed in the example below....elevate your doors and windows with "elevation" and you have many ways to hide the marks from plan views...and then just Tag the doors/windows with the "type" parameter.....as shown below.

Can't wait until the factory gives more time to the legend views......tags and being able to share between projects is crucial...among being able to use the annotation part of an MEP family...

well we can't expect everything to be perfect.... yet anyway..


P.S. Legends are fairly new....old school revit legends is to do what I describe above and below...

Jun Austria
2008-08-30, 02:17 AM
well we can't expect everything to be perfect.... yet anyway..


I believe this is one feature that needs improvement. Archicad is also struggling. You can include the door elevation with the schedule in Archicad. The downside is the elevation is not to scale, so you cannot put dimension or link a live section of a door. So Revit edges a bit there.

Speaking of schedule, Can the header be on the side? And how to add a total for one door type (ex. Type D1 Quantity 5). The attached image is the office standard layout for our door/window schedule. Just having hard type replicating this in Revit or in Archicad. Any advise. Please.

2008-08-30, 07:29 PM
What you're trying to do is not currently possible with schedules. Yes, you can turn the schedule 90 degrees on a sheet, but you have no control over the row spacing (it's dependant on text size). Also, there is no header property to "keep readable", so when you rotate your schedule 90 degrees anti-clockwise, if your headers are set to Vertical, they will be upside-down.

2008-08-31, 01:01 AM
I saw a post here the other day, or maybe it was on someone's blog. ( I spend WAAAY to much time on the web.) They were saying that they produce door and window legends by placing a wall> Place one of each type of door/window>hide the wall in the elevation view you are using as the legend> and... (drumroll) place them in a phase that is in the "future" that way, they don't scheulde or show in any views except that "legend" Genius! At least I think it is... I haven't tried it yet. :) Hope it works. Enjoy the long weekend (in the US anyway.)

2008-08-31, 01:15 AM
Yes...that is the OLD SCHOOL way of doing it....... The Legend view is a fairly new feature that hasn't been improved on since it first came out...

I saw a post here the other day, or maybe it was on someone's blog. ( I spend WAAAY to much time on the web.) They were saying that they produce door and window legends by placing a wall> Place one of each type of door/window>hide the wall in the elevation view you are using as the legend> and... (drumroll) place them in a phase that is in the "future" that way, they don't scheulde or show in any views except that "legend" Genius! At least I think it is... I haven't tried it yet. :) Hope it works. Enjoy the long weekend (in the US anyway.)

Jun Austria
2008-08-31, 11:31 AM
Yes...that is the OLD SCHOOL way of doing it....... The Legend view is a fairly new feature that hasn't been improved on since it first came out...

For me, the "OLD SCHOOL" way is the best solution, for now .
Compared to Legend, I can use Linework, or do a spot section on it. I'm still hoping this will be improve in the next release along with the Site Tool. Wishing, wishing, wishing.