View Full Version : Pan file in 2009?

2008-08-29, 05:17 PM
I just started to use 2009 from 9.1 and really wanted to do a pan of the area. It looks like we cant. Is this correct and if so, how can I get to do one? Thanks

2008-08-29, 05:27 PM
Revit 2009 is not able to produce a PAN file.

2008-08-29, 06:03 PM
Did I hear that we are able to save down on this version?

2008-08-29, 06:11 PM
Nope. Can't do that either.

2008-08-29, 06:19 PM
as far as save down, the best we have is to export to IFC in 2009 and re-import the IFC in 9.1 or whatever other version. That will only bring the model in, but that's all you need for the pan file. I'm not sure about materials...