View Full Version : Revit link to pictures

2008-08-29, 06:50 PM
Is there anyway to link pictures to revit model?. For instance, I need to click on some partes of my model and have a picture or a url page to come up on my screen. I think Acad has that feature. If that's not possible what would it be the bes way to do this?

Andre Carvalho
2008-08-29, 07:26 PM
What if you create a family (like a small box containing the letters WWW in it)(no annotation!) and add an instance parameter (URL parameter) to it? Then you can have a different workset where these elements can be placed. Before printing, you can close that workset, so they will disappear from all your views.

You can populate your project with these elements, each one can have a different URL and once you select one of them, you can go to its properties and just click on the URL. It will pop up the window as you want.

Just an idea that might work...

Andre Carvalho

2008-08-29, 07:29 PM
Thanks Andre interesting approach. But kind of hard to do when you have hundreds of those things.

2008-08-29, 07:29 PM
I've used the URL parameter to point to files. Have the URL point to a website or server location where your image is. To open it you go to the element properties and click on the URL parameter and the location or file should open. I would make a duplicate instance parameter so you don't have to go to the type parameters to access it. The file opens with the default program for that file type.

I have used this to open folder locations, image files, text files (specifically PAT files), DWF and even DWGs (they open read-only). It does not open RVT or RFA files.

This is a great topic. Has anyone else experimented with this? I wish you could put a trigger into an annotation to open files.


2008-08-29, 09:28 PM
I know we can access URL's through family properties, but we need to have more control with a simple hover over. And it needs to be on all elements, System Family, Family, and File link alike.

This was one area that Gehry's Digital Project kicked major ***. I could make a Part, and have a link to another document (of any file type) that showed up when you simply hovered on it. So for instance, we made a file that had an axon of a foundation pier, and a plan, and a section, and notes (not in a titleblock, as we were drawing to get away from a paper format). And when you were in the model, you just hovered on the pier and clicked, and it launched that document.

Its a hell of a step towards using models as models, and not as drawing production tools...

2008-08-30, 04:23 PM
I am doing a forensic case study of a building. I have several areas on my elevations that represent a stucco delamination areas. My idea is to link those areas, that were done with split faces and a material applied to it, with pictures of the actual damage area. I think dwf can link to pictures but unfortunally my split faces won't translate to dwf.
I think this an important feature to have inside Revit.
I hope somebody at the factory is taking notes.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-08-31, 04:33 AM
You can create drafting views that contain the images and then use the Reference Other View command to access them inside your Revit file. If you publish that to DWF users can simply ctrl + click on the callouts and they will be taken to the appropriate view.

Unfortunately you can't add a hyperlink to a Revit view nor can you add one to a dwf file once it is created.
I'd like to to see this functionality in Design Review or, at the very least, a URL in a Revit schedule (a default parameter that ends up being just text, even inside Revit) should lead to an external web address when ctrl+clicked in the schedule or a printed schedule or tag.