View Full Version : Door tag

Carlos GT
2008-08-29, 07:27 PM
I am trying to create a door tag that shows the width and the height of the door, but in the following way:

- 3068 for 3'-0" wide by 6'-8" high
- 2668 for 2'-6" wide by 6'-8" high, etc.

Where 3068 and 2868 are the tags. So far I created the door just showing the dimensions in feet and inches (3'-0"x6'-8"), but I can not make it show that way I want: 3068.

Any ideas?


Scott Womack
2008-08-29, 07:30 PM
I am trying to create a door tag that shows the width and the height of the door, but in the following way:

- 3068 for 3'-0" wide by 6'-8" high
- 2668 for 2'-6" wide by 6'-8" high, etc.

Where 3068 and 2868 are the tags. So far I created the door just showing the dimensions in feet and inches (3'-0"x6'-8"), but I can not make it show that way I want: 3068.

You are not going to be able to get the tag to automatically show the way you describe. Revit simply does not have that nomenclature built in. You might be able to create it using custom written programs and the Revit API. Everyone else simply deals with the differences.

2008-08-29, 09:25 PM
Whats Scott said. This is one of those things that is old hat, but youll be better off forgetting about trying.

Unless you can come up with a mathematical derivation by which the dimensions turn in to that value, in every single case, which i dont think can be done, hehehe...

2008-08-30, 03:44 AM
Don't ask why....:Oops: I feel geeky....but it definately isn't worth it...IMHO

Make x1(Feet), x2(Inches), as a shared parameter

Ax = Width/1' -Number parameter
Bx = Width/1' -Integer parameter
Cx = if(Bx > Ax, 13, Ax - x1) -Number parameter

x1= if(Bx > Ax, Bx - 1, Bx) -Integer
x2= if(Cx = 13, (Ax - x1) * 12, Cx * 12) - Integer

Make y1(Feet), y2(Inches), as a shared parameter

Ay = Height/1' -Number parameter
By = Height/1' -Integer parameter
Cy = if(By > Ay, 13, Ay - y1) -Number parameter

y1= if(By > Ay, By - 1, By) -Integer
y2= if(Cy = 13, (Ay - y1) * 12, Cy * 12) - Integer

Then make tag to read all these shared parameters below
x1x2y1y2 (without any breaks)

If you ask me...it isn't worth it...but it works!

I am trying to create a door tag that shows the width and the height of the door, but in the following way:

- 3068 for 3'-0" wide by 6'-8" high
- 2668 for 2'-6" wide by 6'-8" high, etc.

Where 3068 and 2868 are the tags. So far I created the door just showing the dimensions in feet and inches (3'-0"x6'-8"), but I can not make it show that way I want: 3068.

Any ideas?


2008-08-30, 03:42 PM
You should feel geeky. Very Very geeky, LOL.

Awesome though!

2008-08-30, 08:11 PM
LOL Luigi!!! As I read the first thread, I was like...YES it can be done (and I mapped it exactly as you did in my head) but it's just painful, and then I scroll and see your post! Funny moment :D

2008-08-30, 08:39 PM
Actually, what is crazy is that this has to be done in all your door families. This example is a great case to ask for the capability of performing calculations within tags. Aren't tags supposed to show us information about the model elements? They're the report. So why should I create the calculations within the family? The calculation (analysis) should occur in the report: tha tag. Anyway....

My solution is actually slightly different. See attached example. Yes, still geeky, but then I am Count(Formula) right? Wouldn't it be awesome if we could add these to the tag instead?

Alternatively, the WidthFeet and HeightFeet parameters could be similar to Luigi's (make them a Number parameter and the formulas would simply be =Width/1' and =Height/1' respectively.

2008-08-30, 11:01 PM
If anyone would have a solution...I would have picked you!!!


Dimitri Harvalias
2008-08-31, 07:27 AM
The easiest solution? Metric!

Seriously guys, this is way too much trouble but really cool that you can pull it off. :beer:
David: can't wait for your 'Fuzzy Math' session at AU for more of the same.

2008-08-31, 04:51 PM
I second the Metric suggestion! I can't tell how many times I mess up imperial calculations because I add 3' 6" and 4" as being 4'-0" hahaha.

I'm looking forward to it too..the pressure mounts :)

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-08-31, 10:55 PM
3' 6" and 4" as being 4'-0" hahaha.

Ahh, the 'metric foot' as I refer to it. I fall into that trap because I don't work too often in imperial any more.
In order to facilitate more productivity in the limited time we have I'd also like to see a 100 minute hour and the ten day week. That way we could still work a five day week, produce more, get more sleep every night and still get five days off :lol:

2008-09-01, 01:32 AM
Ahh, the 'metric foot' as I refer to it. I fall into that trap because I don't work too often in imperial any more.
In order to facilitate more productivity in the limited time we have I'd also like to see a 100 minute hour and the ten day week. That way we could still work a five day week, produce more, get more sleep every night and still get five days off :lol:

Yeah but that 8 hour day suddenly looks WAY worse than it did before.... :O

Carlos GT
2008-09-01, 03:29 PM
Thanks guys, I really appreciate all the suggestions and solutions, it is really wonderful count with this forum.

Have a goog one everybody.