View Full Version : Revit on VPN errors

2008-09-01, 09:57 PM
Hey Guys,

New here. We are having a problem in Revit 9 where we are using a VPN to access our server at our main office. When using a central file and opening it remotely from an outside office we get to about 50% and Revit pops up with an error saying that the file has been moved or copied from the original location. We are not sure if this is a Revit setting problem or if it is a setting within the VPN itself. I have provided a screenshot of the particular error and was hoping that somebody here has had a similar problem. There is also another error after getting past the first error that I have also posted a screenshot of. Please let me know what if any help you can provide as this is getting very frustrating. Thank you in advance for any help.



Kory Murphy
The Tittle Luther Partnership Architects

2008-09-01, 10:11 PM
I cant help with the VPN stuff, but the first message isnt really an *error*, per se... Though if youre trying to open the ACTUAL Central File you shouldnt get it. That message pops up every time you make a copy of a central file and open it, like making a local copy, etc. That said, if that message is popping up when youre opening the central through the VPN, for some reason Revit thinks you have copied the file first...

Im sure you know that already, since youre obviously using worksets, etc. I just thought i would toss out the obvious *something about your VPN set up is making Revit think its a COPY of the central file..."

2008-09-02, 12:41 AM
Echoing what Aaron said... I'm assuming you are comfortable with the overall concepts of Worksets and the Central/Local file relationship.

I'm inclined to believe that the VPN configuration is causing Revit to see the Central file as having been moved to a new folder/shared resource. Revit tracks the location of the central file using the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) instead of "drive" letters. This means that if your VPN does not make the server accessible to you via the normal shared resource name Revit expects it will toss up this error. As an example:

Your server name and central file folder might be: \\OurServer\OurProjects\TheProject-central.rvt

While connect via VPN it might be: \\OurVPNConnection\OurProjects\TheProject-central.rvt

If this is really what is happening, then Revit is "unsophisticated" enough to distinguish this "difference" and generates the moved or copied error message. You may need to consider using Remote Desktop or a similar technology to allow remote users to access a local PC in your office instead.

2008-09-02, 12:05 PM
I connect to my office server from home over VPN and regularly work in workset files using a local copy on my home machine. Somehow it is set up so that the VPN connection creates a Z drive on my machine at home, which is exactly the same as what shows up at the office, and I've never had a problem. Now I don't know the exact steps to how that's done, but any experienced IT person should know what to do.

2008-09-02, 03:42 PM
We had the same issue, even when we mapped network drives using the same letter. We had to set it up using IP addresses for the central file. Take your file and make it the central using save as and follow the attached image. Then have everyone create new locals and it should work, or it did for us at least...

2008-09-02, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the help. We will give that a try and see how it goes. I will let you know. Thanks again.

Kory Murphy
The Tittle Luther Partnership Architects