View Full Version : Disappearing Text

2008-09-02, 04:32 PM
Working on a project and put a bunch of notes on the elevations. The notes keep disappearing. I have all the text styles installed. Haven't done anything to the system to change anything. This is a recent occurance. Not really sure what to do. I was working on the project on a different computer in another office before working on it in a new office. Could that be causing a problem?

2008-09-02, 05:57 PM
Check to the location of the boundary of the annotation crop region on your elevation. It is separate from the model crop region. If your text extends beyond the second, dashed, line, it will disappear from the view, although it is still there, just not visible. You can resize the annotation crop the same as the model crop view or you can also turn the Annotation crop off by going to the element properties of the view and under Extents, uncheck the Annotation Crop box. Hope this helps...

2008-09-02, 07:27 PM
That was actually on of the first things i checked. The text is literally not there. All model objects, annotations etc have been turned on. Still nothing. So far i believe it is only this project.

2008-09-02, 08:40 PM
Wow...that is weird. Without looking at the file it is hard to decipher. I ask some questions below that you probably have already covered, but I am baffled.

Are all new notes disappearing in all views?
Are any existing notes gone as well?
When you say you have all the text styles installed, does that mean that all the original fonts are on your new system in the Windows/Fonts directory?
Can you open the file on a different computer and add notes?
Have you tried changing the text style to use a common font like TNR and tried to add a note?
Finally, once upon a time, I had a brief ID10t moment and put notes on a sheet that should have been in the view. When I moved the view to a different sheet, suddenly there were no notes. Probably not the case here, but I thought I would mention it.

Not sure if I am helping here, though I am intrigued to find out what is happening.

2008-09-04, 04:38 PM
Seems the note disappearing is random. First it was the elevations.....then random notes on the plans. All fonts are in the windows font directory.Adding notes was not a problem. When i made the set originally I created the notes on one view / elevation and copied them to another. Seems the copied notes were more likely to disappear than notes i created directly on the view / sheet. I also occasionally copied a note using copy and paste from autocad. I would edit the text, right click copy, then ricght click paste into a revit text box. All crop crop and annotation regions are large enough that all is visible or should be. I spent the last day and a half retyping the notes in. So far it looks like they are staying. I typed each note individually on each view. Painful but seems to be working.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-04, 04:56 PM
Are you worksharing the project? if yes, make sure you don't have two or more users with the same username (under Settings > Options). I have read that sometimes people work with worksets and more than one user with the same username (because Revit takes the username from the Windows Log On). If you have the same username, there may be a risk that you add your notes and save but when the other user (with the same username) saves his/her file (without the notes) Revit may replace it by his/her version and erase your notes.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-04, 06:02 PM
i am the only user working on the project. Its a small office and not many using revit. I shut down the project at lunch for kicks and after reopening.....the notes were still present. at this point im confused but happy that it seems to be working again.

2008-09-16, 01:55 PM
Our office is having the same problem of text (and dimensions) disappearing.
What build are others using. We are still on last year's 20070810_1700. We are intending to go onto the latest 2009 in October; however, this bug is not helping nervous middle managers buy into Revit.

Here's a quote from one of our users,

"The stuff that disappeared was notes (text), both on sheets and in the sheet views.
It was all there on Friday, and was gone when we checked yesterday afternoon."

Greg Dysart, AIA
HMFH Architects

2008-09-16, 03:45 PM
"The stuff that disappeared was notes (text), both on sheets and in the sheet views.
It was all there on Friday, and was gone when we checked yesterday afternoon."

First make sure it isn't the annotation crop region. This is dragged with the model crop region. Simplest way to see if that is the issue - turn off cropping. If that exposes the text make the crop visible and adjaust the outter green crop boundary.

2008-12-09, 10:22 PM
I am having the same problem. I'm in Structural 2009. It is totally random. First, I noticed that a couple of my 2D details were missing text - all of the text. Then, some text on plans disappeared. Then, a few days later I noticed that more text was missing - it was a detail here, one there, different sheets. Now that I've wasted 2 - 3 days doing work I've already done a couple of times, I've found out that 3 sheets of my concrete beam, PT Beam, and foundation/ footing schedules are missing all of the text. The linework for the schedules and the rebar are still there, as well as the "titles" in each schedule (2D schedules - not "live"). But a few days worth of work is missing. And I'm not one to use the "select all instances" either. That's way to global for me.

The biggest problem - no one else in my office has had this issue, and now the IT/Revit manager thinks it's "user error" - meaning I screwed up! He's checked all of my settings, fonts/ families, everything and can't find anything wrong.

So, if anyone finds a fix for it, I'd really appreciate any help. It seems like every time I open my model, something else disappears. I am sooooo at the end of my rope!

2009-02-25, 10:24 AM
Hi everyone

I work with REVIT 2008 and there have been several times when my text has disappeared from views and sheets.
I recently came to the conclusion that it happens when you use the "select all instances" (shortcut - SA ) on a specific drawing to delete or edit the annotations. REVIT selects all the text with the same name and properties throughout the whole project, on all views and sheets, not only on the view you are working at the moment. This is really annoying because 2D elements, like annotations and lines should be view specific and if you perform a certain action on a view/sheet that will have an effect on other views/sheets, a warning should come up.
I hope this helps.

Andre Baros
2009-03-23, 08:41 PM
We've just had this occure on a project. I don't think it was a case of "select all instances" but that is the only conclusion I can come to. The project was dormant for a few months, came back online and when the users got back into it, all the text was gone. We THINK that a view was duplicated with details instead of just duplicated, someone took a shortcut to select all the text and selected ALL the text instead of just the text in that view and deleted it. Even if this is user error, I would call that a program bug.

Does anyone have any other theories, know bugs, or suggestions to prevent this?

2009-04-02, 03:54 PM
I've also noticed this happening. I don't have a solution right now but will be seriously looking into it and will post something as soon as I can. Autodesk has also been informed.

2009-06-19, 03:54 PM
I've also noticed this happening. I don't have a solution right now but will be seriously looking into it and will post something as soon as I can. Autodesk has also been informed.

So, we just had this happen to our central model. Pretty much all text created last week or earlier disappeared from the file. Never seen this before. The only inconsistency I've found with our setup is that we have about eight team members that save to central, and some of them are on slightly older builds...

Anybody get an answer back from Autodesk or pinpoint the culprit?
