View Full Version : Precast Panels: Solved

Revit for Breakfast
2008-09-03, 01:22 AM
Revit seems to do everything...except making panels. At our firm we need to make panels where they would be visually pleasing as well as parametric so we can collect data. We looked at curtain walls, and that was a no-go, we looked at trying to embed the 1/16" gap between the panels (Biggest pain in the A$$ ever). Though pain in the but, it wasn't far off. We found out about the dis-join command (which can be found by clicking the wall, then right-clicking either of the blue dots. The disjoin command appears.).

This now lets you create wall panels (but you have to do this on every new panel). No more dragging of adjacent wall when moved.

But with every breakthrough, there comes a challenge:

Our parametric data includes length, width, area, and volume. But its funny there's no option for height (which is vital for us). We found a work around, and that was adding a calculation inside the schedule properties for our recently added field - height:

Formula: (Area /1') / Length

Badda boom, badda bing. Hey it works! But if I look closely some heights are different. (they should all be the same as no roof has been drawn and all walls go up to level 2).

What happens is, that Revit subtracts our window and door areas to make its calculations, thus leaving us with inaccurate numbers.

Can anyone shed some light on getting the height going in my schedule?

2008-09-03, 12:29 PM
hmm there is an unconnected height field that shows gray in every wall's instance parameters, but I don't see how to get that into a schedule. Bummer. You should be able to, though, since it does indeed calculate and display the overall height of wall elements.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-03, 01:58 PM
Can anyone shed some light on getting the height going in my schedule?

I don't think you will be able to achieve what you want... Since it can't be done automatically, we have been discussing wall height in schedules by using formulas (as you are doing) but there's always the drawback when you have openings...

I'm sure you have read this thread where we discuss it, but if not, here it is:


Andre Carvalho

2008-09-03, 05:15 PM
Might be more overhead than it's worth, but you could set up a design option, and copy/paste the walls less the openings into it, and base your schedule with calculated wall height on it.