View Full Version : File size

2008-09-03, 12:42 PM
Hi guys, I need some advice on this, my project file size is huge, is around 70 MB, we are using file sharing and 3 or 4 for people have been working on the file. From last week it has increase the size of it noticeably.
I read that errors can increase the size of he file, is there anything else?,

Thanks a lot,


2008-09-03, 01:07 PM
Hi guys, I need some advice on this, my project file size is huge, is around 70 MB, we are using file sharing and 3 or 4 for people have been working on the file. From last week it has increase the size of it noticeably.
I read that errors can increase the size of he file, is there anything else?,

Thanks a lot,


I am pretty new to this, but from my limited experience and what I have read you may actually have a small file. Our files usually range between 130Mb-150Mb. Of course this all depends on the size of the building and how in depth you model it. I once head the rule was 3/4Mb for each plot sheet. I personally think that is a small number. We are experiencing about 1Mb to 1.25Mb for each plot sheet. This is one of the reasons Revit is such a hardware power hungry program. I would save often and make sure you have a consistent network backup. Redundancy is the key with any data.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-03, 01:19 PM
I think the golden rule is avoiding over modeling when possible.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-03, 02:53 PM
Thanks Greg, I would like to know how big is a project you mentioned can have between 130 to 150 MB,

Thanks a lot

2008-09-03, 03:02 PM
Weve got a remodel and new addition to a retail facility, that is two models. The remodel is 260,000 SF, and the addition was another 80,000. There are two models, one is 110MB and one is 145MB.

There are two full phases of CD's in there, plus about 30 packages of Leasing documents, and one set of the CD's was an intense interior renovation with a lot of things heavily modeled for presentations.

But, we have some other models that have pushed wlel over 200 MB...

2008-09-03, 03:19 PM
70 mb is not a large Revit file. I would call that medium-ish. Most of our projects push the 100 mb mark and beyond.

2008-09-03, 03:49 PM
Thanks Greg, I would like to know how big is a project you mentioned can have between 130 to 150 MB,

Thanks a lot

It is a warehouse close to 900,000 sqft.

2008-09-03, 03:50 PM
Clearing errors, purging the file of unnecessary families, doing an audit when opening the file and doing a "Ssave As" can all reduce file size.

However, as others have said a 70mb file is really not all that uncommon.