View Full Version : Repeating Details & Filters

2008-09-03, 04:32 PM
I've got a Repeating Detail (Fire Tape) that I'd like to be able to apply a Filter to.
I can place a single instance of the Component that the RD uses, and the filter works fine with it, but it looks like the filter won't work on it when it's inside a Repeating Detail. And there aren't many (actually any) parameters on the Repeating Detail that work with Filters.
I do have a Project parameter that shows up, but then I'd have to select every instance of my RD and set the parameter. That means people are going to miss some. I need more of a Type Parameter so I can set it and forget it.

Is this possible?

BTW, what I'm trying to do is get a Code Plan that I can print in color for the Code officials and in Black & White for CDs. None of the colors print well in black and white - even if I specify B&W in the plot dialog. But that's a different issue.

2008-09-03, 06:13 PM
Try setting up your detail component with two different filled regions on top of each other (colored and black), and then assign a visibility parameter to each as a type parameter. Then if you change the one component, all your repeating details using this component change also.

Scott Womack
2008-09-03, 07:26 PM
I've got a Repeating Detail (Fire Tape) that I'd like to be able to apply a Filter to.
I can place a single instance of the Component that the RD uses, and the filter works fine with it, but it looks like the filter won't work on it when it's inside a Repeating Detail. And there aren't many (actually any) parameters on the Repeating Detail that work with Filters.
I do have a Project parameter that shows up, but then I'd have to select every instance of my RD and set the parameter. That means people are going to miss some. I need more of a Type Parameter so I can set it and forget it.

Is this possible?

BTW, what I'm trying to do is get a Code Plan that I can print in color for the Code officials and in Black & White for CDs. None of the colors print well in black and white - even if I specify B&W in the plot dialog. But that's a different issue.

Try setting the B & W to a gray scale, then the color can be plotted. I do not believe you can filter on Repeating Details at all.

2008-09-04, 12:07 PM
Try setting the B & W to a gray scale, then the color can be plotted. I do not believe you can filter on Repeating Details at all.

Thanks for the ideas.
I have tried the gray-scale. The problem with that is that the colors that look good on-screen tend to print in a light grey and fade away. We need them to pop when black. Our Code guy is pretty picking (imagine that!) and won't let me half-tone the plan, so I need to make the Fire Tapes BIG and BOLD

Maybe I'll try the double component idea. Sure would be nice to use a Filter, though. :cry:

2008-09-25, 02:38 PM
Just had an idea in the shower this morning that I think is going to work perfectly.

View Templates!

Each of these Detail Items is already set up on their own Line sub-category. I've set up one View Template that applies only Model Overrides to those sub-cats for color. Then the Default View Template for those Views will clear the Overrides.

Viola! I can flip back and forth between a Color view for working and showing to the Code officials, and a Black & White plan for CDs.

All due to the new 2009 View Template "Include" feature.

2008-09-25, 06:46 PM
Good Solution!

Amazing how that water stimulates the mind.....

2008-09-25, 08:54 PM
Why not just use a filter ont he view, and change the display of the wall types that are fire rated, instead of the Fire Tape detail?

We dont use color, but you could set up a filter of Wall catagory, reading Parameter Fire Rating, and do what ive done here, except instead of altering the line style and line weight you could alter the cut pattern to be a solid color, and different colors, if you wanted...

Im just curious, as i had a long hard fight over the fire rating Life Safety Plan, in our office...

2008-09-25, 09:33 PM
Ah, Aaron, you don't know our Code Guy. :roll:

He's got this intricate system devised that I doubt if he'd ever let go of.
That's just not a battle I'm willing to fight.
I figure its easier to get Revit to work the way he (actually they) wants to see it than it would be to try to convince him that there might be a different way.

We're almost fully Revitized here with just a few holdouts. Code being one of them. So I'm trying to do what I can to convince them how great Revit is without being a wrenching change for him.

All that being said, there is one more legitimate reason we can't just use the Fire Rating from theWall parameters. A wall can have more than one function regarding the Code plans. It might be 2 Hour Rire Rated as well as being a Smoke Boundary, and also a Smoke Boundary. So some of our Code Plans show as many as three different Tapes shown. In addition to that, just because a wall is built according to a certain construction standard doesn't mean we qualify it as a rating on the Code Plan.

2008-09-26, 12:45 AM
All very good reasons. I figured there was a good one, i was just curious what it was.

We have the same issues. For egress, we could simply put an Area schedule on the sheet with the areas labeled, and all would be well. But becuase they want the egress counts shown IN the drawing, we have shared parameters, a check schedule, the whole nine yards.... Just to appease a code guy. LOL!!!!

2008-11-13, 03:06 PM
Ok so I've already set up the view templates and am using repeating details because that is the only way to make the ratings in Revit NCS standard, however now i am having to export them to AutoCAD and i need to do exactly what he did, filter the repeating details. We have an autoCAD script wrote that will take what we brought out in revit by color and put it on the correct layer. When we export to AutoCAD we first apply a view template to teh walls that are rated so that all fire walls turn red and all smoke walls turn purple. Then once in autocad a script is run and autocad knows anythign from A-Wall that is red goes to A-Wall-Fire and same for smoke. now i need the Repeating details to go to A-Wall-Fire-Code. Now i can do this with using the comments field of the repeating detail but like said above that is an instance. I've tried to add a Code Filter parameter to Detail items and nothing shows up. I even added the code filter to everything in the list and still nothing. Is there something i am missing? I know this may be kinda confusing but what i need is a type parameter for repeating details and that is why none of the above options will work.