View Full Version : Aligning a surface pattern on a wall

2008-09-05, 10:24 AM
I'm using Revit 2008 and i have read the forums regarding this matter but it still doesn't seem to work, i am still unbale to aligh a horizontal line. If i press the tab key it just doesn't seem to pick it up. Any suggestions.

Rick Houle
2008-09-05, 11:16 AM
Be sure your pattern is a "model" pattern and not a drafting pattern.
Only model patterns will give you the control you are looking for.

2008-09-05, 11:34 AM
Yep i have drawn it as a model pattern but i'm still not winning. I can't seem to think why it is causing a problem as when i align the pattern for right angled walls it does it without any problem.

Rick Houle
2008-09-05, 11:58 AM
Are the walls curved?

2008-09-05, 12:15 PM
no they are justb straight walls and were the two walls join in the corner, that is were my curve is.

2008-09-05, 02:04 PM
Go to and elevation view, tab selecting a line in the surface pattern then click move.

2008-09-05, 11:51 PM
Could be that the wall is in an excluded design option.