View Full Version : Cropping viewports w/o cropping floor plans

2004-09-24, 01:44 PM
Lets say that I have a building drawn and the size of the plan at the correct scale (1/8":ft) will not fit on a single drawing sheet. What I want to do is to split the plan into two parts and insert each on two different drawing sheets. How would I crop the vieport as inserted on the drawing sheet with out the crop affecting the floor drawing on the "floor plan" view. This approach would also be used if one had multiple buildings on the same site and drawn in the same Revit file, and wanted each building on a separate sheet.

Thanks for the input.

2004-09-24, 01:58 PM
Right click on the floor plan in the project browser and you will see duplicate with detailing. Select that and it will make a duplicate of the floor plan. Rename to what you want and pull the crop region until you only display what you want. Annotations may have to be deleted on that floor plan where you may have had them for the whole plan.


2004-09-24, 02:01 PM
You could also duplicate with detailing, set the overall scale to 1/16"...then use callouts on this plan to establish a key plan to your partial floor plans. Keep the 1/8" scale overall plan for doing overall modeling work and never put it on a sheet...it's just a view of data after all.

2004-09-24, 02:17 PM
Wow, I must be doing something right after all. I use both of these above posted techniques depending on the project.
When I duplicate the plan twice at the same scale, I re-label the plans to Floor Plan - East or West and then crop the views appropriately so as to slightly overlap the two plans, then place them on separate sheets; however, I still work on the original plan.
I also do the callout approach, or key plan technique for some of my larger projects where the whole plan will only fit on a sheet at 1/32". Both techniques work great!
Good Luck,
Steve Shell

2004-09-24, 02:36 PM
thanks for the suggestions, i have decided to use the duplicating with detailing option, i have eight buildings to organize,