View Full Version : CAD imports / links - please help

2008-09-08, 09:05 PM

I imported a CAD file instead of linking it, by mistake. I erased the instance of the file I imported but the file is still listed on the Imported Categories tab of the Visibility/Overrides pop-up window. Is there a way that I can find and erase it so that it is finally out of the model?


2008-09-08, 09:11 PM

I imported a CAD file instead of linking it, by mistake. I erased the instance of the file I imported but the file is still listed on the Imported Categories tab of the Visibility/Overrides pop-up window. Is there a way that I can find and erase it so that it is finally out of the model?


I believe the Imported Categories can be manually deleted via Object Styles once the Import has been deleted. Of course you have to do it one at a time, because multiple select doesn't work with the Delete button. Yuck. But at least you can clear that stuff out.

And boy wouldn't it be nice if the default was at least link, which is right 99.9999% of the time, and not much of a problem if you are wrong. I have yet to find a situation where import into a project is the right way to use a DWG, and when you get it wrong it can be very painful to fix. NOT a good default for the tool in my book. Of course if I had my druthers you wouldn't be able to import a DWG into a project at all. Link it, or don't use it, are really the only two valid answers.


Rick Houle
2008-09-09, 12:42 PM
I agree Gordon, especially with your last line.

I do have some avid users who claim, when working with clunky site plans, that it is preferred to import rather than link to avoid the constant reload of a bunch of useless junk. I dont know how valid that point is since i do not deal with civil as often as they.
Maybe someone can chime in on that possible exception to linking...

My recommendation (when cad is necessary) is to take 15-minutes and clean the cad "link" or extrapolate what you need and make your own link.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-09, 01:05 PM
If haven't deleted it yet or if you did but still can undo it, you could select the imported Dwg, select Delete Layers and select all layers. It wil make the Dwg be completely deleted.

Andre Carvalho

Rick Houle
2008-09-09, 01:51 PM
Just did a clean test on this in 2008,

When I delete a cad reference, it does delete itself from Imported Categories and OS automatically.

This is not the case when the cad is/was inside a family... in that case i do see the cad residue left behind in my model.

Is this accurate? are there other times when a cad delete leaves residue behind?

(good tip there, Andre)

2008-09-09, 06:28 PM
WHOA thanks guys ! I believe that by going to visibility overrides --> object styles and erasing each CAD layer we may be able to finally kick out those imports next time we purge the model ! I'll let you konw if this is the case. Good times...

2008-09-09, 08:08 PM
don't use it, the only real valid answer.

I couldnt agree more! (Sorry, i couldnt help myself...)

I use them too, for sites and consultants stuff....

2008-09-10, 06:36 AM
I believe that by going to visibility overrides --> object styles and erasing each CAD layer we may be able to finally kick out those imports next time we purge the model !...

I've not been successful with this, and i suspect that others will concur. I've been able to delete all layers for each import in the VG overrides, but the line item definition cannot be removed. Even tried the revittools, but it errors out each time.

For said reasons, we too have adopted a link-only mentality.

- Jon

Rick Houle
2008-09-10, 11:37 AM
I've been able to delete all layers for each import in the VG overrides, but the line item definition cannot be removed.

Could it be that you had cad inside of a family causing this?
Can you purge it out?

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-10, 12:05 PM
I've not been successful with this, and i suspect that others will concur. I've been able to delete all layers for each import in the VG overrides, but the line item definition cannot be removed. Even tried the revittools, but it errors out each time.

For said reasons, we too have adopted a link-only mentality.

- Jon

When I've suggested the option "Delete Layers" I wasn't talking about deleting the layers through VG Overrides or Object Styles. If you still can select the dwg, just look for the option "Delete Layers" on the options bar. If all layers are deleted it will remove any indication that the dag has ever been loaded into your project.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-10, 04:04 PM
I couldnt agree more! (Sorry, i couldnt help myself...)

I use them too, for sites and consultants stuff....

Oh, indeed, the day in which dumb 2D software is no longer a valid option for anyone will be a great day. I think Autodesk will be out of business and we will be using Vulcan Mind Meld for our I/O interface by then. ;)
But in the mean time, I sure wish the Factory would remove the ability for a new user to totally destroy a project model and just make Link the only option. It would be one of the very few times I would NOT complain about the removal of a feature. Then again, I refer to Import DWG as a bug not a feature, so maybe I wouldn't be deviating from norms at all.


2008-09-10, 09:13 PM
Andre, Rick-

Yes, i'm familiar with the 'delete layers' option....i was suggesting to the OP that deleting layers via the VG overrides does not remove the import definition. At least that is my understanding that it won't work. I tried deleting the layers from VG in the hopes that we might be successful, but my suspicions that it would not work were confirmed.

Our particular problem is with a rogue import that is not visible in any view, and revealing hidden elements/fussing with crop regions would be too painful and time consuming to be worthwhile.

And to answer your question Rick....the import was not part of a family, but rather it was part of a group which became an external .rvt link, then reverted back to a group again. Someone was using the import as a 'layout' aid for the revit model.......then somewhere along the way, the cursed import stayed in the project even though it was long removed from the group definition.

Think dormitory with an import .dwg in each 'bedroom' group....now the VG dialog box has a line item for each room (lots) even though the import name is the same. #$^@#*!.

So now i am anti-import. Being burned once is enough.

- Jon

Rick Houle
2008-09-11, 12:40 PM
So now i am anti-import. Being burned once is enough.
- Jon
...theme of the thread.

I had a similar situation in past. User grouped a cad floor plan into EVERY unit group they had... Holy freegin boat anchor... It was long ago and i forget the specifics, but i think we systematically removed every instance we could find and we had to Purge the reference out after that... with the purge command(?)... is that possible?? It was something like that i cannot remember. But it worked.

I just cannot manage to duplicate the scenario right now, everything is playing nice in my test file...

2008-09-11, 01:48 PM
I have successfully removed imported DWG files from Revit projects using the plug-ins from www.reviTTools.info.

You can download the fully functioning demo version. The demo version has an annoying pop-up reminding you that is it a demo version but it still does the job of removing embedded DWG files.

Embedded DWG files have a nasty habit of being transported from project to another when people use the infected project file as a template or library for a new project.

2008-09-11, 11:36 PM
That's one of the issues, Andre. We cannot grab the imported CAD files, they seem to float in space somewhere in the model, ghosts. If we could, we'd delete their layers.

2008-09-15, 08:48 PM
I am not sure if there is something I missed while reading this thread... but I have all of my CAD references Linked. Not Imported... yet when I go to imported layers in VG overrides, all of the CAD layers are there. Is this normal? It was my understanding that the layers only imported for an imported dwg and not a linked dwg.
Please correct me if I am wrong!

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-15, 10:28 PM
I am not sure if there is something I missed while reading this thread... but I have all of my CAD references Linked. Not Imported... yet when I go to imported layers in VG overrides, all of the CAD layers are there. Is this normal? It was my understanding that the layers only imported for an imported dwg and not a linked dwg.
Please correct me if I am wrong!

No Layers are imported either by linking or importing. What we are discussing here is that if you import instead of link, and later decide to delete the DWG, all your layers may stay as object styles... If the file was linked, deleting the dwg will automatically remove all layers from the object styles.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-16, 01:47 PM
No Layers are imported either by linking or importing. What we are discussing here is that if you import instead of link, and later decide to delete the DWG, all your layers may stay as object styles... If the file was linked, deleting the dwg will automatically remove all layers from the object styles.

Andre Carvalho

I was referring to the object style as well.. Don't know why I said import. I guess I was tired!
This makes sense to me now,