View Full Version : "Can't create duplicate in Edit Group mode"???

2008-09-09, 12:54 PM
I have a group consisting of various walls and wall-hosted sweeps. I have created another group by copying one of the first groups, and editing the walls. However now I need to edit the wall sweeps to a different profile. At first it wouldn't let me create a duplicate of the profile while in Group Edit mode. So I canceled out and made the new profile. But now I need to create the new wall sweep, and it won't let me duplicate that, either while in Group Edit mode. The only place these sweeps exist are in groups. So now I have to exit out again, start a hosted sweep, duplicate the type and change the profile, then go back into the family editor. What a pain. Has it always been like this?

2008-09-09, 01:56 PM
There is a workaround, you can create new types thru the project browser while editing a group. At least for walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, and family types. When you are in the group edit mode, instead of selecting an object and clicking prop, edit, new , duplicate, just go to the project browser, scrolll down to the families area, select the wall type or whatever and duplicate/edit it there.

2008-09-09, 04:19 PM
Right, but I don't think wall-hosted sweeps appear in the family browser. You have to start a new one, open its properties and duplicate it there.

2008-09-09, 05:41 PM
You can tab to the one in the group, hit edit/new > dupe and make the new one while youre NOT in the group, as long as you dont actually CHANGE the one in the group to the new one. All it saves you, is having to start making one to create a new type.

And yeah, project browser workaround or not (cuz its a pain in the arse), being able to make new types while in Edit Group would be a MAJOR inprovement. Im sure i lose an hour or so a week fishing through that workaround, when you add it up. We use groups a lot, and this kills us with wall type definitions...