View Full Version : Error: In File Menu, Keynoting Option is not availbale

2008-09-11, 09:01 AM
In RAC 2009, Express Workshop Tutorial, In KEYNOTING Tutorial, it following steps are mentioned: -

1. Click File menu > Keynoting, and under Keynote Table, for Full Path, click Browse.
[But in file Menu > Keynoting option is not available]

2. In the left pane of the Open dialog, click Training Files, and open Common\Express Workshop\Detailing\c_express_workshop_RevitKeynotes_Imperial_2004.txt.
[While opening above mentioned Keynoting TEXT File, it cannot be opened & error appear dat “Fail to Open Document”]

Please tell how these errors can be rectified?

Rick Houle
2008-09-11, 01:30 PM
I believe Keynoting is under the Settings menu... that's all i got.

2008-09-11, 02:18 PM
It is an error in the tutorial file. It should read:

Settings Menu>Keynoting

You will then be able to select the keynoting file needed for the exercise.

2008-09-11, 03:37 PM
Thanks, it is available in Setting Menu.

After placing the "Material Keynoting Tag" on "Batt Insulation component" , Two more confuse Steps are involved: -

14) In the Keynotes dialog, navigate to Division 07_Thermal and Moisture Protection07 21 00_Thermal Insulation.
15.) Select 07 21 00.A4_R-19 Batt Insulation, and click OK.

From Where Keynote Dialog can be invoked? About which Keynote Dialog they are talking about, I tried Type Selector but it is not listed there.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-11, 03:42 PM
Thanks, it is available in Setting Menu.

After placing the "Material Keynoting Tag" on "Batt Insulation component" , Two more confuse Steps are involved: -

14) In the Keynotes dialog, navigate to Division 07_Thermal and Moisture Protection07 21 00_Thermal Insulation.
15.) Select 07 21 00.A4_R-19 Batt Insulation, and click OK.

From Where Keynote Dialog can be invoked? About which Keynote Dialog they are talking about, I tried Type Selector but it is not listed there.

Drafting > Keynote > Element. Pick the element to place the tag and you'll see the dialog box you're looking for.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-11, 04:40 PM
Ohh.. The Keynote Dialog suddenly appear while placing Material Keynote Tags. But why it didn’t appear Ven I placed Element Keynote Tags on various objects.