View Full Version : ADT 2005 & Menuload

2004-09-25, 12:40 AM
We have one custom partial menu we have used with AutoCAD2000i and earlier releases. We wish to continue using this menu in ADT2005.

While we able to load it and operate it under ADT2005, it will not stay loaded between sessions. When you exit and then restart ADT2005, this partilal menu disappears and has to be loaded again with menuload.

We have put the partial menu in its own directory on D: and added that to the autocad support files search path. This didn't help.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem and fixed it?

(We are running ADT2005 under Windows XP Professional with Novel Networking.)

2004-09-25, 01:05 AM

Have a browse of the following thread -

menu item won't stick (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=8166)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-09-27, 11:10 PM

The gist of that thread was that your menu won't reload if the menugroup name has a space in it. Ours doesn't. It is simply RP. Here is the menugroup line:


We have another idea to try from another similar thread and will try removing all blank lines from the menu file as well.

Thanks. Additional comments and suggestions are still welcome.

Ron Harris

2004-09-28, 07:35 PM
Problem has been solved!

The menu files and associated lisp files were all read only in a read only directory on the network. After changing them to read-write, the problem went away.

We had tried copying all the menu files to a local drive to deal with the problem but it is probable the read only attributes were copied with them.

We suppose that there was a compiled version of the menu from 2000i that couldn't be overwritten or used by ADT 2005.
