View Full Version : New Shafts in Existing Building

2008-09-17, 02:25 PM
Anyone have a decent work-around for getting existing and demo plans/sections to display correctly when adding stairs and elevators? Building modeled correctly, slabs on existing phase, opening in new construction. Could use linework overrides (my least favorite solution) but there is still no way to get a complex section to display the opening correctly to annotate the demolition.

It sort of halfway works if I create separate slabs in the existing plan for the original slab and where the new openings will be located. But it is not really an opening, it requires more steps to insure the "holes" align and it still requires linework overrides in plan.

Thanks in advance.

2008-09-17, 02:33 PM
I've tried using the shaft opening tool before. However, in 2008 it does not understand phasing correctly so even though I put the shaft in the new construction phase it would still cut the hole out of the slab in the existing phase. I've been told that this has been fixed in 2009. I have yet to try it, though.

2008-09-17, 02:36 PM
...I've been told that this has been fixed in 2009...
We are working in 2009. Unfortunately, appears that your source was not correct.

2008-10-02, 05:12 PM
This is definetely a big problem for us as well...and it really shouldn't be. Seems like it should be very easy to fix and save us all a lot of grief. They already gave the Shaft opening the ability to be phased...now just actually make it work properly. Please help factory!

2008-10-02, 06:16 PM
Looks like the Shaft tool got the shaft

Sorry just had to say that :lol:

2009-02-20, 04:41 PM
One resolution is to utilize a floor based generic model family that contains a single void. Within the structural model this family can be assigned a phase and will not “cut” the existing slab, however the extents are visible in 3d as haftoned during the existing phase, this really shouldn't be an issue though. This method will also provide us with an “intelligent” surface pattern that follows the extent of the void during the demo phase. Provided the demolished slab areas are always simple (rectangular) a single family will work. If your demolished slab is a complex shape you will need individual families.

2009-02-20, 07:59 PM
Either way you have to do a linework override for documentation, so I'd stick with the shaft opening just to insure the holes are in line. As far as 3D, the two slabs is a better option so that you can see it in 3D, unlike with the shaft opening.

2010-03-22, 04:24 AM
From what i have seen - The Issue of Shaft Openings has still not been sorted out in 2010. What are others doing out there as a workaround. My New Shafts are Cutting the Existing Slabs & Ceilings, in Existing Phased Views etc.

2010-03-22, 10:47 AM
A floor-hosted void generic object, with Symbolic linework for the X. This correctly phases the demolition, but limits the void to one floor. Annoying, and limited to rectangles (unless we make a custom family for odd-shaped holes.

Staggering that the Shaft tool is still broken this way.

2015-11-06, 01:09 PM
I think you can solve this with Design Options in 2015 at least.