View Full Version : Projection/Surface Line Color Override negates Line Weight

2008-09-19, 12:32 AM
It seems that when a Projection/Surface Line Color Override is applied to Object Styles they lose their Line Weights specified in Object Styles. The only override I enacted was the color. I took a view and duplicated it twice. I placed both of those views on the same sheet, modified their overrides and plotted. Here are the tests that I conducted:

1) Right – Standard Left – Projection/Surface Lines Override to Black
a. Thin plot lines on Left view

2) Right – Standard Left – Projection/Surface Lines Override to Magenta
a. Thin plot lines on left

3) Right – Standard Left – Standard
a. Both views plotted the same

4) Right – Standard Left – Projection/Surface Lines Override to Black
a. Thin plot lines on Left view. This was a check to see if any settings had changed.

5) Right – Projection/Surface Lines Override to Magenta Left – Standard
a. Thin lines on Right plot

All of the VG and Properties settings were the same. We are publishing to DWF to make out plots. Has anyone else run into this problem or a problem like it?

2008-09-19, 01:41 PM
When you apply one override - all of the other settings are overridden as well. Lineweights and linetypes vanish. Stupid, but the way it is. So you have to set all the values.

2008-09-19, 07:06 PM
Wow...that's just wonderful :( There are three options to override Projection/Surface Lines: Weight, Color and Pattern. Even if Weight and Pattern are set to "No Override," Revit will override the Object Styles to some mysterious default? Not all that intuitive...
Thanks for the info Aaron!

2008-09-21, 01:09 AM
When you apply one override - all of the other settings are overridden as well. Lineweights and linetypes vanish. Stupid, but the way it is. So you have to set all the values.

I could have sworn I was happy to see that fixed in 2009. Did I imagine it, or is this lame bug back in WU1? Arg!!!


2008-09-22, 08:05 PM
Well that's interesting. I have some structural beams set to line weight 3 in object styles. I overrode some of my beams to display with dashed lines. Line color and weight remain as <By Category>, and the dashed lines do indeed remain as weight 3 lines. If I change the color override, it still remains as weight 3 lines, with the color and line style override applied. Seems to be working just fine here.

I do have WU1 installed.

2008-09-30, 07:57 PM
I will keep playing with it to see if I was just missing something. We are going to run WU2, Service Pack edition, soon. We'll see what happens after that!