View Full Version : Export to CAD - some views left out?

2008-09-22, 02:56 PM
I just exported several of my plan views to CAD using the Prefix function, but one of the views got left out. When I tried again and selected only that view, it did nothing and immediately went back to the drawing I was in. I had to actually open the view and make the file name match the others with the appropriate prefix by manually entering the file name. Anyone else experienced this problem?

2008-09-22, 03:01 PM
On a vista64 box it did something similar to me once, when i tried to export multiple sheets to DWG. Seemed to be a one time thing. I rebooted the system, and it was fine.

Certainly wasnt a memory issue...

Scott Womack
2008-09-22, 06:05 PM
On a vista64 box it did something similar to me once, when i tried to export multiple sheets to DWG. Seemed to be a one time thing. I rebooted the system, and it was fine.

Certainly wasn't a memory issue...

There was a time, (not sure if it has been fixed) that when Revit Exported a sheet to AutoCAD it created a system variable that controlled the number of views as too low, meaning that if there were more views on that sheet, than the system variable allowed, they did not appear. The views were actually there, you had to go into AutoCAD, load the exported sheet, and set the system variable to a higher number, and the views appeared.

2008-09-22, 07:51 PM
Well I was just exporting straight plan and RCP views. No sheets were involved. I checked 5 views in the list to export, but only 4 of them exported.

2008-09-22, 08:05 PM
Some things that ive found have been issues for me in exporting, over the years:

Try that view in coarse level of detail, of its in medium or fine.
Make sure there are no commas in the sheet name

Ive had both of those affect an export before...

2008-09-22, 08:08 PM
I believe I was in a sheet view while exporting, but I wasn't exporting any actual sheets, only views themselves.

Another view did get exported, and it differed from the one left out by only a single word. Both view names were identical except one had North in the name and the other one had South in the name. The South view got left out.

2008-09-22, 08:27 PM
Odd... Id close down and open the journal file and see if you can see anything bizarre in there, like revit going "OMFGWTFBBQ CANNOT EXPORT" or something, lol...

2008-09-22, 09:27 PM
LOL you were close! :p

Found this line in the journal during my original export attempt:

' 0:< Activate "[07152 Master Patrick.rvt]" , Drawing Sheet: A1.3 - Enlarged South Floor Plan
' 0:< DBG_WARN: Couldn't open canvas!. Ignoring view.: line 622 of .\DocView\DBDrawingExport.cpp.
'H 22-Sep-2008 09:43:52.815; 0:<

It has that same set of lines 2 or 3 more times for every time I attempted to re-export that one view only using the Select Views function and applying a prefix.

When I opened that actual view and set export to Current View and manually typed in the export file name, then it worked.

So the question is, why the heck could it not "open the canvas" for that one particular view I had selected to export along with several others?

2008-09-23, 01:05 AM
Seems to think it was exporting a sheet view or at least that's what it looks like the journal says. Any chance the sheet view was selected as well? If so you may have been trying to export the view twice in the same session? Once from the view and once from the sheet.

If you notice the Filter for Sheets and Views at the bottom of the export selection, that filter does not "turn off" printing, just the display of the view types...if you weren't already aware of that.

2008-09-23, 12:11 PM
I know that wasn't the case, because I hit the Uncheck All button (always do) before checking the views I wanted.

I also know that I was not in the sheet containing that view, because I had to expand a different sheet and open the view directly in order for it to finally export.