View Full Version : Wall Type tags on (E) walls

2004-09-27, 11:18 PM
Hello Revit Users,

Kudos to the Revit Forum volunteers! Recent threads have highlighted your volunteer efforts, and truthfully, you should all be on Autodesk's payroll!

I hope someone has tackled this: how can you create a wall type / wall tag, for several existing walls without changing the actual wall's structure? At this point in our project, Phase 5, there are several wall types which should be represented as (E) existing. Some were truly existing concrete walls, some are demising walls from Phase 1, some were new framed walls from Phase 2-4 . But at this point in time, if it is not in Phase 5 it needs to be marked as (E) existing.

How can we create a typical wall tag for (E) WALL, which will encompass four or more different actual wall assemblies. They are all existing at this point. I learned about the the linked nature of the wall type assembly and the wall tags the hard way. Do I just need to copy the symbol and not have it mot be linked to the wall schedule? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-09-27, 11:51 PM
The trick is in the tag not the wall. You can create a new wall type that displays a different parameter. For this type of thing you might use the wall 'type name' instead of 'type mark'. or create your own shared parameter

Once you have loaded the new tag type in your project select TAG from the design bar and you can change the tag type from the TAGS option. Select the 'type name' tag and tag away.

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-28, 03:16 PM
Also consider delving into Shared Parameters. You could add a Shared Parameter for phase to both the walls in the project and a special tag that would report the phase of the wall in the plans.

2004-09-28, 09:46 PM
Hello REVITeers,

I think I followed HCSL's advice- sort of. I figured I could duplicate the Wall Tag, so I saved a copy as Wall Tag - EXISTING. I dumped the smart text and replaced it with the letter 'A' which corresponds to our desired wall schedule value. Then, I found one existing wall type that I could add the Type Mark schedule value to: A. And voila, my schedule includes this wall. And when I start the Tag command I just load the Wall Tag - EXISTING. Only trouble is that the Type field in the schedule is still showing the specifics of the one wall I added the Type Mark value to.

Any way I can remove the type field? I think I will try to get a better handle on the responses. But first, THANK YOU for the help!

2004-09-28, 09:50 PM
Edit the schedule, under the "fields" tab, select the "Type" field and then the remove button.

Any way I can remove the type field? I think I will try to get a better handle on the responses.