View Full Version : BEAM IN WALLS

2008-09-29, 06:09 AM
Drawing beams in walls above doors, windows and openings is really a painful operation.
An easy way to pick the upper left and right of these "openings" would be very helpfull.
Now you have to create a reference plane for every instance of "opening" on a different level.
Also the presentation lacks functionality in order to implement it conformal European standards(continuous line type + solid hatching for beams under the slab, dashed line type+ solid hatching for beams above the slab). Now we are redrawing in a plan view the perimeter and the hatching. This can't be the aim of a Bim-system.

Sincerely yours,


2012-10-08, 01:50 PM
Autodesk gave us a lot of fancy tools we don't use but tools that really matter are still not present :
- as mentionned earlier : a good working beam,
- their placement is still a pain in relation to walls, columns,.... It doesn't work at all.
After many years it is still a product that isn't suited for the daily job. Please Autodesk do something or tell us your not interested in the product so we can definitely look elsewhere.
Other elements that lack in functionality :
- columns,
- rebars,
- stairs,
- .....