View Full Version : Not enough space on C:?!?!

2008-09-29, 05:13 PM
I just tried to send about 10 sheets from Revit to our Oce plotter. After a couple of minutes it threw up an error about not having enough space on the C drive to create the necessary temp files, and that I needed to free up some space. After I hit OK it said there was a fatal error and asked if I wanted to save a Recovery file. When I said yes it gave me the same error AGAIN about the temporary files! So I just hit Cancel and shut it down because I had just STC anyway.

I checked my C drive and I have over 30 gigabytes free. Why the heck would this be happening for a ~40 megabyte Revit file?

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-29, 05:30 PM

Maybe I'm crazy but I'm trying to remember something about Windows limiting the space for each user temporary files. If you log in with your user name, then windows will create a profile and a folder to you under C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. But that's exactly what I don't remember. I think once I changed the place where my Windows stores my temp files by going to Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables > and changing the TEMP and TMP folder to be outside Documents and Settings. That solved my problem. But, please, don't do that. Wait until more people give their opinions as well.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-29, 05:33 PM
Clean up & purge all the temp's to free up space?

2008-09-29, 05:42 PM
Oddly the same thing just happened to me but I was creating network deployments, says I don't have enough space...yet I have 60gb free and the pagefile is set to 12gb. This is getting weird....

2008-09-29, 06:01 PM
You may also want to change your printer settings to start printing immediately instead of spooling them....or print directly to the printer as most Oce's have its own spooler..

2008-09-29, 07:54 PM
Printer is already set to start printing immediately, and it's all grayed out so I can't change it (network printer).

Should I just clear out that Temp folder manually, or is there some place I should go to clear it out, like a button in a dialog box or something?

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-29, 08:03 PM
Printer is already set to start printing immediately, and it's all grayed out so I can't change it (network printer).

Should I just clear out that Temp folder manually, or is there some place I should go to clear it out, like a button in a dialog box or something?

Just make sure you close Revit and all other applications, go there and delete all that's inside that folder.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-29, 08:03 PM
You should have some variety of utility software (Norton, PC Tools, etc) that will perform maintenance tasks like this without fear of catastrophic damage.

Alternatively, Temp is located (buried) in Documents & Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Temp. You will be able to clean out most of the folder with the exception of files currently in use.

2008-09-29, 08:11 PM
Alternatively, Temp is located (buried) in Documents & Settings/Administrator/Local Settings/Temp. You will be able to clean out most of the folder with the exception of files currently in use.Actually, the current location of the temporary folder is best found by just using %temp% in the Explorer address bar. After all, I highly doubt that the current user's temp folder is located under the admin's profile.

2008-09-29, 08:54 PM
Yeah I've already found the file folder under my logon name's folder. It contains over 8,000 objects and is over 3 GB in size :shock:

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-29, 09:15 PM
Yeah I've already found the file folder under my logon name's folder. It contains over 8,000 objects and is over 3 GB in size :shock:

But if you have 30 GB of free space in your hard disk and your temp folder just has 3 GB in it, you should have 27 GB available to create your temporary files... That's why I think it has something to do with some sort of temp folder limit related to each user, preventig you to go over 3 GB. Check the temp folder from time to time and probably you'll never see it with more than 3 GB because maybe this is the limit it is set to. Everytime the limit is reached, you may have errors or crashes.

Andre Carvalho

2008-09-29, 09:28 PM
Is there a reason why its networked instead of printing directly?
I tried that once and then switched to printing directly to the Oce itself...

Also, how is the C: Drive on the server that the Oce is configured on?

2008-09-30, 03:49 AM
This is big Problem but it has a simple Solution that, Print only one sheet at a time.

Do Windows automatically allocate space to the Temp folder??, How Temp folder memory allocation can be increased??. Is is related with Page file? Please tell in detail.

2008-09-30, 10:11 AM
If you right click on your hard drive click on properties. You have disk cleanup command that will go through all your standards. Then make sure that you have the temp files ticked on and voila it will clean it out for you. I usually do this once a month. It makes sure that my pc doesn't keep rubbish and clutter on my pc. Also try doing a defrag every 6 months at least. More if you can.

Andre Carvalho
2008-09-30, 01:26 PM
Do Windows automatically allocate space to the Temp folder??, How Temp folder memory allocation can be increased??. Is is related with Page file? Please tell in detail.

After Windows XP I think windows automatically does that inside the Documents and settings folder. But the thing is that sometimes administrators may set quota limits do the user folder inside Documents and settings and that includes the temp folder. That's the reason that sometimes people just set windows to use the temporary folder outside the document and settings. Sometimes you have a larger hard drive and want to use it as the temporary files location. To change the location of your temporary folder to either outside the document and settings or another drive, follow this:


But I would say that this is useful only when caching really large files (working with digital media, burning Blue Rays). For regular use of Revit, I don't see why you should do it.

Andre Carvalho