View Full Version : Default roof slope

2004-09-28, 04:07 PM
I'm trying to tweak our office template a bit, and came accross this. Apparently at some time I have changed our template so that the default slope for slope defining roof lines is 6 119/128" per foot. This is obviously not an ideal slope.

I checked the default template that ships with Revit and it defaults to 9" per foot. So obviously I changed something somehow, but I can not get it to change again.

This is not a terribly big deal as it usually gets changed anyway, but does anyone know how to change this default?


2004-09-28, 04:27 PM
Ithink if you create a roof and while in edit mode select the properties button in the option bar and change your settings to what you want your default to be. draw a generic sketch of the roof and finish sketch. Now just delete the roof. When you go back in to create a roof it should remember your last settings (default).


2004-09-28, 06:08 PM
sweet, thanks. I was using the "roof properties" button not the regular properties button for the lines I was drawing.

Thanks again :)