View Full Version : DWF from Revit Opaque text shows Transparent?

2008-09-30, 01:37 PM
Which place to post? under Revit or under DWF issues...

Well this was an interesting issue that we just noticed... that the Opaque text shows Transparent in our DWFs created from Revit ( 2008 )... This would not be to much of an issue... except we have on occasion placed opaque text over other text (to over ride dims which I know we can now do in 2009... can't wait to get that moving here...) also in places were it would show clearer opaque then if it were transparent... I mean there is a reason we use it... I would prefer to keep it on my DWFs as well...

Any idea why this happens?... or has this been fixed?... or is there a setting to catch this?...

or is this just something to put up with for a while till it is fixed in another release?...

2008-09-30, 02:31 PM
I just noticed one other thing... a merge line item... light hidden lines that should have been merged out by a heavy thick line were showing over the heavy line... making it look dashed... This is not good either...

The DWF is not a true representation of what we would get when we plot the drawing... I am looking for a better DWF... I am hoping for some fixes here...

2008-10-01, 02:00 PM
This will not directly address your question...

But the opaque text seems to work when export to CAD. See attached. The opaque area doesn't perfectly align, but overall, it seems to work. So one option could be to export to .DWG, in lieu of .DWF. (Revit 2009 to ACAD 2009)

That said, DWF may not be necessary. In our work flow, we export everything to PDF, which accurately captures the "printed" state. This works well, because the drawings become flexible for our clients to open and review.

In addition, we archive the Revit model after each issuance, so we can always go back to a previous state, for dimensions, etc.

Hope this is helpful.


2008-10-01, 02:19 PM
I have used PDF for years... Only recently have I tried to use DWF... I have with the PDF had to look for other 3rd part software to get good results with AutoCAD to get what you would see when plotted... Adobe never did get that right... Acroplot & Bluebeam were two programs that work well with that... We are now printing both PDF & DWF for record for one feature that DWF has that PDF doesn't... the ability to measure off the drawings... and get actual drawing dimensions... from AutoCAD I get the actual... This is another issue for Revit... In Revit I only get paper space dimensions... I would have to multiply by the scale for actual...

But I have been looking into DWF for its special tools beyond that which PDF has...

Comparative functions... have you ever tried that out... take two DWF from two different dates of the same sheet... do a compare... it will show in Red objects that have been deleted and in Green objects that have been added... in the case of a wall that has been moved you would see a red wall were it used to be and a green wall were now sits...

Another nice feature is the ability to overlay the DWF onto the Revit file... and have it linked... so as the project manager or anyone who reviews the DWF marks up the DWF you can do an update of the mark-up and the marks show on your Revit Model... keeping the latest mark-ups on your working changing drawings...

Print new DWFs transfer the mark-ups over from the old DWF and keep any issues that have not been dealt with yet on your current working mark-up set DWF...

So this is why I am looking at DWF's...

Yes right now I can get a better looking PDF... Boy I would like to get DWFs to get up to speed with these merge issues and the opaque issues... if they can then I would have a chance at showing these idea as the true potential they can have... Right now they still do not show truly what the drawings look like when plotted, so they are not the best output yet...

Unless someone has a solutions to these issues...