View Full Version : Control Handles in 3D View of Family

2008-10-01, 04:04 PM
This seems like it should be somewhat simple, but I'm having some weird problems that I can't figure out. I'm basically creating a very simple Generic Model Family that will eventually serve as a "dumb" element in the model - it's a six sided box - very basic - not hosted by anything, just floating. I need to be able to see the control handles of the box so i can stretch the length, width, and height of the box in 3D view - not just in 2D view. I've created three instance parameters in the family - length, width, and height. I used reference planes to dimension to, and then i've locked the geometry to the reference planes. In 2D I can see the handles, but not in 3D. I've created hundreds of families over the past couple of years, but somehow I'm stumped by this one.

When creating an in-place family you're able to see all of the control handles in 3D, but an in-place family is not the direction I want to go with this. I need more control with the object and all of it's instances.

If anyone has any help it would be greatly appreciated.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-01, 05:46 PM
Replace your reference planes by reference lines. And keep using the dimensions as instance parameters.

See attached.

Andre Carvalho