View Full Version : Tired of Continuous Fatal Errors!!

2008-10-02, 09:09 PM
Have a problem with my project file, it seems whenever my project gets around 90MB's it decides to crash and give someone on the team a fatal error. I'm the Cad Coordinator on the project and revit expert, but this has continued to give me trouble. Info, yes I know the file isn't that big at all. I have a structural link and my model has an existing bldg linked in as well. I'm on top of review warnings, coordination review, interference checks, & I have only 2 dwg files linked in. The project has 3 different phases and 2 small design options. Hardware is not a problem at my company, which is really nice

I use to purge and compact my file once a week, but now I'm doing this morning, over lunch, and in the evening to keep my project from crashing or the famous fatal errors. The only thing that I've noticed is when the file size gets close to 90MB it crashes.

I fillout the error reports for autodesk and some days if it happens more then once I tend to give them a piece of my mind.

My company doesn't allow me to add patches so I need to wait for them.

My question is am I missing something, is there something simple I'm missing? I'm out of ideas and my corporate gurus' aren't any help, so I'm here.

All responses are greatly appreciated


2008-10-02, 09:13 PM
Sometimes, running repair from the installation disks will fix things like that.

2008-10-02, 09:45 PM
Have you looked at your Journal files?
There's a WHOLE LOT of undecipherable stuff in there, but many times you can cull through it enough to at least get a glimmer of what Revit was doing when it crashed. Maybe you could find an Element ID number in there somewhere.
Also look for a line like:

' 1:< RAM Statistics: 1949052 / 3144044 228192=InUse 228332=Peak 966800=DeltaForRevit
' 1:< VM Statistics: 2675424 / 3145600 181364=InUse 181452=Peak 288812=DeltaForRevit
(OK, maybe two lines)
The numbers on either side of the slash / tell you how much memory you've used / have total.

You say hardware is not a problem, but what does that mean? 1 Gig memory? 2? 4? 8?
A general rule of thimb is that a REvit model could use 20 times your model size, so your 90 + + is easily asking for over 2 Gig. Are you using the 3GB switch?

2008-10-03, 07:40 PM
I have a 64 bit machine running 4 gig.

I haven't been checking the journals but will start with that.

I've just got the most recent build loaded so I'm currently waiting to see if that helps as well.

2008-10-03, 08:01 PM
If the error message looks like - "An unrecoverable error has occured. The program will now be terminated. All of your data has been recently saved, so there is no need to create a recovery file", its probably not just the model size. We have a 165mb model size without any issues until Monday and then we started getting this crash. The funny thing is the file saves to central but crashes at 50% when you try Saving to Central.
Let us know if the new Service Pack helps you.

2008-10-03, 09:05 PM
One thing I would suggest if you're running 64-bit Revit is to upgrade to at least 8 GB of ram. I might be wrong, but it seems to me that running only 4 GB RAM on a 64-bit system means you're not really using all of your system's potential.

Scott D Davis
2008-10-03, 09:38 PM
One thing I would suggest if you're running 64-bit Revit is to upgrade to at least 8 GB of ram. I might be wrong, but it seems to me that running only 4 GB RAM on a 64-bit system means you're not really using all of your system's potential.

very true....64 bit is all about RAM allocation. Using 4 gigs on 64 is not much different than 4 gigs on 32 bit.

2008-10-03, 09:53 PM
I have only 2 dwg files linked in.

Have you tried auditing or recovering the autocad files?

Revit in my experience will become very unstable with ****** autocad files linked into the project. If you do an audit or recover the Autocad file and get error messages fixed, then you may have solved your unstability problems.

2008-10-03, 10:53 PM
The funny thing is the file saves to central but crashes at 50% when you try Saving to Central.
Have you tried to split up the process that happens when you use File >STC or hit the button (I know, Steve, you're not supposed to hit the button, but until the Icon isn't there to hit...)? For example, change the sequence to Reload Latest, Save Locally, then Save to Central? If so, does it still crash?


2008-10-06, 02:31 PM
Have you tried auditing or recovering the autocad files?

Revit in my experience will become very unstable with ****** autocad files linked into the project. If you do an audit or recover the Autocad file and get error messages fixed, then you may have solved your unstability problems.

Look at the progress of the save to central at the bottom of your screen... We had a similar problem with a corrupt ACAD file and when it said something like reloading floorplan.dwg it then crashed. Once I fixed the ACAD file or even detached/unlinked it, the file worked.


2008-10-06, 03:46 PM
I'll try to answer all your questions here.

The build is working currently, but its just on my machine. I have a team member who doesn't have the current build and she has already crashed this morning. She crashed while putting text in.

On RAM, I wish I could just say give me 8gig and it was done, but that comes from Corp. I've talked with them and they know we need 8g with 64 bit. When that happens I don't know.

Awhile back I removed all cad files from my project. Now if there's a cad file in my project its temporary and its only there for coordination of MEP. As of right now I have no autocad files in my project.

On model size, I know this project is small. My last project was over 120MB and we have some in the office which are over 300MB. And we all have the same computers.

Saving to Central - I've saved every way possible. I usually save my local first, then reload latest, then S2C, & then save local. I also have a view setup in my project that we use to save to central. Its just a drafting view with text that says "SAVE TO CENTRAL VIEW". All other windows are closed but that one view.

The only things I haven't finished yet are the interference checks with my Structural linked model and a few review warnings. Not sure if these would make any difference or not but I need to figure this out.

Clarification, my OS is 64 bit not revit. My corp. guru's have Revit 64 bit but I don't have it yet.

Thanks for all your suggestions

2008-10-06, 04:17 PM
Couple weeks back, One of our guys tried to Import AutoCAD files....Revit instantly crashed. And kept crashing. Eventually we opened the AutoCAD file in AutoCAD2009 (Anyversion) And reduced layers to only a few. Renamed layers. Purged and re-imported it back into Revit.
This time it worked Fine...
One thing I suspect is the cause is the "Empty Layers" in AutoCAD.....I guess empty layers freak Revit out....

2008-10-06, 05:08 PM
I'll try to answer all your questions here.

The build is working currently, but its just on my machine. I have a team member who doesn't have the current build and she has already crashed this morning. She crashed while putting text in.

On RAM, I wish I could just say give me 8gig and it was done, but that comes from Corp. I've talked with them and they know we need 8g with 64 bit. When that happens I don't know.

Awhile back I removed all cad files from my project. Now if there's a cad file in my project its temporary and its only there for coordination of MEP. As of right now I have no autocad files in my project.

On model size, I know this project is small. My last project was over 120MB and we have some in the office which are over 300MB. And we all have the same computers.

Saving to Central - I've saved every way possible. I usually save my local first, then reload latest, then S2C, & then save local. I also have a view setup in my project that we use to save to central. Its just a drafting view with text that says "SAVE TO CENTRAL VIEW". All other windows are closed but that one view.

The only things I haven't finished yet are the interference checks with my Structural linked model and a few review warnings. Not sure if these would make any difference or not but I need to figure this out.

Clarification, my OS is 64 bit not revit. My corp. guru's have Revit 64 bit but I don't have it yet.

Thanks for all your suggestions

We have Windows x64 with Revit 2009 32 bit. We made the move to 8GB RAM but things aren't that different.
I've been reading on other posts about fatal errors being encountered when a linked Revit model is a different build. I would highly recommend checking with your Structure and MEP what build/SP or Revit they are running.

2008-10-07, 02:47 PM

We have been working a few days now with the new build and no crashes and file size is getting larger with no problems.

If you've been having problems with your files, I would recommend the new build.

Thanks for everyone's comments and suggestions

Greatly appreciated