View Full Version : Arrowhead purge

Rick Houle
2008-10-03, 11:33 AM
I have been working for weeks on a new master template for the office.
Suddenly, i have arrowheads i do not want in there. I cannot delete them and they refuse to be purged.

I have gone into every one of my annotation symbols and dimensions and do not see the arrowheads i would like to remove.

Can anybody offer suggestions to removing these buggers? What other family would call upon arrowheads (leaders) other than annotation fams or dims, ???

2009-01-16, 10:26 PM
I am wondering the same thing.
I want some of them gone, they serve no purpose, but people tend to grab them when they aren't supposed to.

Have you figured anything out? I think they are system families that can't be edited.

2009-02-17, 11:42 PM
I am a year late with this post but have run into the same issue with RST2009. I was able to successfully purge all of the OOTB arrowheads. For anyone wishing to do this be sure to check the following dimension styles:
Arc Length

Also be sure to change the "inner arrowhead" style even if it is not applicable. Personally I think the software should not allow an "inner arrowhead" to be assigned unless it can be used!

Then proceed to check the following:
Text Style Leaders
Tag Leaders
Symbol Leaders
Spot Dimension Leaders
Spot Coordinate Leaders
and any other possible element that contains a leader.

One would think managing something as simple as arrowheads and leader styles would not be quite so involved ;).