View Full Version : Display issues in Revit 64bit

2008-10-03, 09:10 PM
There are a few major issues in the 64bit version of Revit. After working for about an hour, All objects that have a transparant material become wireframe objects. All other materials in the project turns black. This is displayed in all model graphics styles mode. Restarting Revit solves the problem for about an hour, before getting corrupted.

Also each time i switch to another few, the recent file window is diplayed for about a second before opening the correct window.

2008-10-03, 09:13 PM
well fudge... the boss and I talked about upgrading my machine to a 64-bit OS but I might just hold off if it's doing things like this. :(

Scott D Davis
2008-10-03, 09:35 PM
well fudge... the boss and I talked about upgrading my machine to a 64-bit OS but I might just hold off if it's doing things like this. :(

Seems like an isolated case. Did not hear any of this throughout beta testing. I wouldn't let it stop you from getting the machine or upgrading.

2008-10-03, 10:16 PM
We are seeing something similar here. The default 3D view will over the coarse of the day slowly degrade to a semi-wireframe look. Deleting the view and recreating it works. If however, a save is attempted prior to recreating the view the application will crash out giving an exception error. I'm working to isolate this to either model, hardware or software before I place a SR to Factory. More to follow.

2008-10-04, 06:27 AM
I don't think this is just a 64 bit issue because I just saw this (what bbeck describes) happen with the WU1 version of the software for 2009 this afternoon. A user complained that he couldn't change the view from wireframe to hidden line. When he tried to close the view and close Revit it crashed. I suspect it had to do with too little memory because moments earlier he remarked getting the low warning message.

2008-10-04, 09:35 AM
Also each time i switch to another few, the recent file window is diplayed for about a second before opening the correct window.

interesting that we are also experiencing a similar issue.. have tried upgrading drivers on our nvidia quadro fx 4600 graphics card, have ample ram (8gb) and have refined page file size, etc.. seems this may be a bug afterall... quite annoying... in addition the display seems very gerky compared an inferior machine on which we are running a 32bit version of 2009 revit wu2. anyone else?

2008-10-04, 11:44 AM
FWIW Revit 64 performing flawlessly on Vista 64 Ultimate on a 8GB ram quad core PC (which even has no Windows paging file set - a tip I came across somewhere and so far hasn't caused any problems).
That's with an Ati FireGL V5600 graphics card.

Just out of interest, I compared graphics performance of my most complex model (not that big really - see screenshot) in Revit 32 on XP Pro, Revit 32 on Vista 64 and Revit 64 on Vista 64.

Revit on XP has 4GB ram and an older Nvidia FX3000 card which may have some impact on performance but generally moving the model around and waiting for all the bits to reappear took around 3 seconds on Revit 32 on XP, 2 seconds on Revit 32 on Vista 64 and just over 1 second on Revit 64 on Vista 64.

Not very scientific but indicative of an overall improvement in graphics performance in Revit 64.

2008-10-04, 03:27 PM
Weve been having that issue with the WU_1 32 bit app as well... It comes and goes, which is quite odd.

Cathy Hadley
2008-10-04, 04:15 PM
I've seen the 3d view go to wireframe issue on 32 bit machines before. We upped their RAM and installed new video drivers which has solved this issue for them. It *appeared* to happen only on the default 3d view with worksets. I had each user name a 3d view as their own default 3d view and no problems have been reported since.

I had the recent files page show when switching views in both my 32 bit and 64 bit installations when OpenGL is on. Just yesterday I took the advice from another thread and switched to the nvidia performance drivers and the issue has gone away !!!

I have not had a model go to black.

Vista 64 buisness, 8 megs RAM, Quadro Pro 1500...

2008-10-04, 04:27 PM
That would fit the issue I saw as well Cathy. It was the {3D} view and there were users competing for ownership. They have their own 3D views but seem to forget to use them. That pesky "third pig's house" on the tool bar.

2008-10-04, 04:48 PM
We haveseen it with 3D views other than the default one, because we all use our own "working" 3d view, instead of the default. I went through the process of elimination, but i didnt find anything concrete that was causing it, besides that it only happened to one particular user, so im thinking it was some operation or movement that user kept articulating.

It was not the machine, as the user tried two machines, one of which i can verify was working fine (it had no issues with me at the helm). I would have him delete his working 3d view, and make a new one, and we would log the number of hours or minutes until it did it again. Other than the one user on the project team, it only happened once or twice at my machine and someone elses. I dont think he was doing anything wrong, i think there was just a certain way he was panning and zooming, or something, that was different than the way we were doing it, that was making revit *unhappy*.

But, in addition to that, the "entire model turning black" has happened to everyone on the project team, and SEEMED to correlate roughly to when the machines were getting low on system resources.