View Full Version : Problem with rotating raster images

2008-10-07, 02:29 PM
We are having problems with rotating raster images in Revit 2009. We import a tif or jpg file and it looks great until we rotate it. Once the image is rotated it becomes very grainy and pixelated. Any ideas? Will the latest build fix this issue? I tried it in 2008 and it seems to downgrade the image on rotation but not as obviously - possibly we didn't notice it when we were on 2008, but it is much more noticeable in 2009. Thanks for any help.

Steve Blackburn
MPA Architects, Inc.

2008-10-07, 04:01 PM
In 2009 with the upgrade, I notice no difference.

Try installing the upgrade, and see if that solves it.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-07, 05:35 PM
I have seen issues with images completely disappearing or turning all black next time you open the file, if you rotate them...

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-08, 01:40 AM
Yes, I have seen the same issue, definetly in Revit 2008 with rotating images.
I found if you can reduce the size (file size) it can help, but I have not come across and definate workaround.