View Full Version : Questions about UCS vs North, UCS vs Sea Lvl, and mr.sun-mr.sky

2008-10-07, 06:01 PM
Hey everyone,

Modelling in AutoCAD 2008, Rendering in 3dsMax Design 2009

I've just started getting my feet wet with some of Max Design's new features, so i do have alot to learn still... but all in all i'd say my results have been very good.

my first question is about the north orientation of the model, and would like to know if someone could confirm this for me.

Basically, in autocad, i have modelled a building, and when in plan view, the Y axis on the ucs is acting as my north arrow. Therefore the site and building are all corresponding with this. When i import this file into Max, will the ucs in max still consider the Y axis to be north? This is clearly important because using the new lighting analysis tools and weather data files i need this to be accurate for when i make shadow studies.

my second question has to do with contours relating to the Z axis in autocad, and how this can ultimatly affect shadows in 3dsMax Design. If my contours are for example... all 95m above sea lvl, and i raise the contour lines to correspond to this from 0,0,0 to 0,0,95 in autocad.... does this mean that when i situate my building at 0,0,95; and import the model into 3ds Max Design, the sun's shadows will change slightly, according to the actual heights given?

and finally for now.... When i make the sunlight system and bring in the mr.sun and mr.sky, does it matter where the first point (click, grip, whatever you want to call it) is in relation to the building, and how high up you make it? I know this data changes when you load the data file, but i think its still a valid question....

Looking forward to any input

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