View Full Version : Linework - undo Invisible lines

2008-10-08, 08:04 PM
This "invisible lines as defpoints lines" issue has already been addressed in many forums, but I haven't found a real clear answer to this particular situation.

I've got some drawings that are what I call 'over-modelled' When printing they come out all muddy, even with line weights as small as possible. So the intention is to turn off some of the redundant lines. I can accomplish this by hiding the 3d object and re-drafting it with less detail (crown moldings for example) or using symbolic lines in a family... several ways to accomplish the goal.

However with the linework tool I can simply set the linetype to <invisible lines> and start clicking away. My issue is, if I've set a line to invisible, then 20 clicks later I realize I want to see that particular line again... all I can do is mouse-over and try to fine the line I want to see again or undo back 21 times.

It'd be great to hit the 'reveal hidden elements' lightbulb and see those lines I've turned invisible.

I have a feeling I'm out of luck, but here's the post anyway.

thoughts? insights? solutions? <fingers crossed>

Thanks in advance

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-08, 08:21 PM
...However with the linework tool I can simply set the linetype to <invisible lines> and start clicking away.

Are you aware that the linework tool is view specific and therefore you will have to do the same job again if the same element is shown in other views?

Maybe you should reconsider you other options...

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-08, 08:35 PM
Well, I just sent the post... 20 minutes later found a workaround.

I created a new line style, << I actually called it 'defpoint lines' lol >> set 'line color' to white. If I need to see the all the lines I assigned to 'defpoint lines' I just change the line style color to an actual color, magenta for example.

Only downside is the 'defpoint lines' overlap everything else, effectively draw order is set to 'bring to front' But with the lineweight set to .001" you'd need a microscope to see it.

Still looking for other input / ideas though.

2008-10-08, 08:43 PM
Thanks Andre for the quick reply. Yes I'm aware of the lines are view specific, I guess I'm just looking for another way. It definetely has the potential to be redundant (and introduce some human error)... hiding the same lines in multiple views and all. But in some ways this technique seems simpler.

Also, unless there is a method I'm unaware of... There's no way to set a layer of a wall type to not show. for example; a shaft wall situation, 3 layers of gyp board stacked on top of one another on each side of a CH stud all those layers of gyp just print as one big line.

thanks again.

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-08, 08:55 PM
You could try going to view properties > Override host layers > Cut line styles > Edit > Play with the layer functions and overrides there.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-09, 01:14 PM
very nice, I didn't know about that... thanks I will play with that

Gadget Man
2008-10-10, 07:24 AM
You could try going to view properties > Override host layers > Cut line styles > Edit > Play with the layer functions and overrides there.

Andre Carvalho

Except that, as it was said in different tread earlier, it affects every wall in the current view, which has in its composition layers of the same function. So, if it is OK for the shaft wall (with 3 gyp boards) it may not be OK for the single gyp layer in the next wall (e.g. if the gyprock layer has the same function).

2008-10-13, 03:08 PM
When using the linework tool, you can set the linetype to <By Category> and it will return your invisible lines to their original state.

2015-07-29, 12:58 AM
^ brilliant