View Full Version : Cannot Save to Central

2008-10-08, 08:56 PM
I have been getting the message below in the Worksharing Monitor when attempting to Save to Central. After a few attempts (just before the insanity threshold) I forced Revit to close, rebooted the computer and started over. I am getting the same message when attempting to save. I also get the attached dialog.

"Your access to the central file may delay or be delayed by other concurrent accesses to the same file."

What needs to happen so I can save to central?

Andre Carvalho
2008-10-08, 09:00 PM
Is there any other user working and saving to the same central as yours? make sure it is not being used. If not you could either try recreating your local from the central or, if your local file is more updated than the central (because you couldn't save what you have done), you can create a new central from your local and then recreate your local.

Andre Carvalho

2008-10-09, 01:47 PM
I solved it. Someone did a save to central and left the office. For reasons unknown their machine stopped saving to central in the mmiddle of the process. However the Workshare Monitor reported everyone, including the one who left the office, as working in local. When they came in this morning they were able to complete a save to central so then the rest of us could also.