View Full Version : Trying to cut a hosted sweep - error

2008-10-10, 06:41 PM
I'm trying to use an in-place void to cut the end of a cornice sweep, because the sweep comes up to a roof slope, and right now the end of the sweep is vertical and extending inside the roof. I would like to have a void cut the sweep cleanly at the face of the roof.

After creating the in-place void and cutting the sweep, pressing Finish Family produces the following error: "Elements can't be copied because they will lose their references". The only thing highlighted orange is the cornice sweep, and the only option is to Cancel out of the error message. That means I cannot finish the family, and so the only option then is to Quit Family and lose it.

I don't understand what the error message is referring to. I'm not copying anything, so I don't see why it would say something about copying elements.

What am I doing wrong here?